Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Do Your Time & Priorities Match?

Hi read,

A few weeks ago, so many of you shared your top priorities with me. These included:

  • Quality time with your family, kids and partner
  • Health, fitness and wellness
  • Faith and spiritual practice
  • Career growth and professional success

I loved that each of you shared priorities and goals unique to your own life and vision! Today I want to ask you a simple but tough question: Does your use of time reflect your priorities?

I want to give you an example of a tough decision I made to reorganize my time. Back when I was in grad school (and working full time), I was also volunteering with an organization at a local college. I really enjoyed volunteering, but then I got pregnant. I wanted to finish my graduate research before giving birth and I was working 40+ hours a week in a demanding job. I didn't want to step down from my volunteer role, but I had to reprioritize to focus on my professional success, health, and family. It was a tough decision but absolutely the right one for me at the time.

Think about a typical week in your life. You can track your time with a spreadsheet or piece of paper, or just approximate! Where do you spend your time? Does that match your top priorities?

I did a quick calculation and here's how my week turned out:

  • 30% sleeping
  • 30% working
  • 20% spending quality time with kids and family
  • 10% exercising
  • 10% on fun things for myself like reading, time with friends, and biking.

I'm pretty good with this mix. I would love to add some volunteering in there but I would have to decide what to reduce. For the past few years, I have volunteered a few times a year to participate in STEM events at local schools instead of a regular weekly volunteer commitment.

I would love to know what your weekly mix looks like. Does it match your priorities? Hit reply and send me an email!


PS. If you would like a time tracking template, let me know. I can send mine over.

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