How safe, are we, if the psych ward can't, even, correctly identify the dangerous who might harm others, huh???  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The social security nets is the vital policies of the president, Tsai, yet, there were the repeated cases of attacks on locals in Pingdong by someone with schizophrenia, the female super convenience store clerk had been severely wounded, and the president's policies are questioned.  The head of the county, Pan stated, that this is a serious problem, a lesson learned, that he will, evaluate the laws more closely.  The psychiatrists suggested the families to get their loved ones into treatment, to not go soft of these individuals with these conditions.

Based off of understanding, Yang, the assailant from eleven years, had similar records, started in 2017, he was treated, and categorized as "difficult to cure", every time he was admitted to the psych wards, he'd started crying that he wanted to be, released.  Pan said, Yang had been in and out of the hospitals multiple times, and had been evaluated closely each and every time, other than the related rules, all the assessment made for his discharge went through the professional evaluation of the psychiatrists.  But, the patient had injured others multiple times, Pan stressed that he'd already, requested that the hospital enforce a stricter rule of evaluation, and the man will be admitted to the psych ward as a long-term resident now.

The C.E.O. of the Pingdong Clinical Psychologist Association, Hu told, that the case has violent tendencies, always used threats of violence on others, that she'd advised to have him locked up long-term.  If the families wanted to take him home, then, they must learn how to interact with the case, to avoid violence, to change their ways of, interacting, relating to him from before.

a place like this from online

Hu said, that psychological disorders aren't a "get-out-of-jail free card", the penal code 19 states, that punishments shall be waived if the individual can't tell the difference of right and wrong behaviors due to psychological disorders, or other mental conditions.  But, the third of penal code 19 also stated that "unfitting to be used if the act of harm was intentional, or the individual admitted to knowing what's right and wrong!", and, if treatments aren't given, there will be, the criminal charges enforced.

Hu suggests that the family seek out help as early as they possibly can, a lot of the families, due to their lack of understanding of the psychological disorders, are afraid, with the communications with the trained professionals, they can accumulate the skills to caring for their loved ones, and can, more easily, avoid similar acts of violence from recurring.

and this is the modern-day "version" of the psych ward...

with the professional shrink's treating the patients individually, photo from online

And so, this, is due to the lack of education, because the families aren't trained like the professionals at the hospitals, they couldn't offer the help that these mental patients needed to recover, and, if these mental patients aren't getting the help they needed, then, some will become, violent, if they have the violent prior tendencies.  The system of evaluation is still, too loosened, too, lacking in this case.

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