It's only, that tiny "blip" that's caused a ton of high schoolers' data getting lost, kinda like how it was only a "touch" of the buttons by the employee of Taipower that's, caused, that huge, blackout, and next time, who knows, it might be, a hacker, who gets her/his hands, on all our, personal data, and we the people can do nothing, because we all became, pigs to the slaughter!  The government really needs to tighten up on information security here, but, does it?  HECK no, it'd rather, spend all our money, on shits like, the five-times vouchers, the "freebie" vouchers for the drawings, and there's nothing WE the people can do 'bout it!!!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translate…

The government here viewed information security as matter of national security, and more than 20,000 uploaded learning process case files went missing, the experts believed, that the central government was lacking in its means of supervising the systems well, not listed the "loss of data" into the costs of the program set up, the information security budget of the Legislative Department hadn't increased for many years, that "national security" is, nothing more than, a motto only, and similar things will keep on recurring.


photo from online

The anonymous experts in information security stated, "the department of education's failure to backup this sensitive, and vital data, had it been a well-known electronic company that's done this, losing the clients' information, and asked the clients to resubmit the data, the company would've already gotten, bankrupt.", he'd spoken straight, that the attitude of uncaring enough toward the matter of information security, it's a microcosm of this government, and "things like this will only keep on, recurring."

The security expert observed, that the banking industries with huge amounts of personal data, is kept on a tight watch by the board of committee members of the industry, the telecommunications, the cable companies, under the NCC, once there's a leak of personal data, the loss of data, a huge fine will be enforced, "not just talking about the fines, but really the fines will get, enforced!"

The government's viewing data security as national security, adding the security updates to the various department, but the department responsible for the whole of the information security of the country, for these past three years, the budgets allotted stayed at $3.31 million N.T.s.  There's the higher risks of data security by the days, to the point of having too much information into the systems, and the budgets of the department, and the tasks the department had been required to handle, doesn't, even out.

or worse, this...

and, all your information, without the backup files, gone, and you got, NO way, of recovering them again!

Mr. Lee, who's familiar with the innerworkings of the information technology system used by the government believed, that the budgets in the sales department had been cut each and every year, causing the budget to focus on the information communications only, and not the backup files, the "low end" mistakes of losing the data of the students' learning process profiles, will be other departments' example to take from too.

A government worker told the press reporter of this paper, that after buying in more of the communication software, the information accumulated, but the public department's equipment only has a five to ten year usage rate, and before that date expires, the systems of operations, the equipment can't be switched out, "so what happens when there's not enough storage space?  We can only, ask for the funds from the specialty projects, but this is not a long-term solution to this problem.", the worker said with a worrisome tone of voice, that this time, it was only the learning process profiles that got lost in the systems, and who can guarantee, that what's lost the next time it happens, won't be the people's, personal, information?

And so, this is still, only, a "tiny blip", in the, bigger system that's, the problems here.  The systems aren't up-to-date, and, naturally, when something gets used for a long, long time, it fries, and, this time, it was only, the high schoolers' learning process profiles that "got lost" in the server, and, who knows, the next time, it may be that file of all of our, health insurance cards, our identification numbers that got, "eaten" by the, system, and what's worse, is that hackers can hack into the systems, and, get their hands on all of that, and, voila, the information, leaked!!!

And, there's NOTHING any of us can do about it, because the government still doesn't, budget enough of our taxes, on the matter of, information technology safety here…

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