So it's been raining cats and dogs at my end and it got me thing about the many myths about cold and sex and how we discovered the truth.

Did you ever hear that once you start having sex, you can't stay without having sex? So what happened with nymphomaniac girlfriend or your obsessive boyfriend. I am guessing someone started appreciating alone time after that relationship

What about the fact that cuddling is the best remedy for cold weather? If the weather is cold enough, you are going to have to cuddle under it, probable with some alcohol or beverage. The fact is the alcohol and beverages did more than the cuddle bur no one would tell you that truth

What of the one that says sex keeps your partner close to home?  This is where you end up in the emergency ward while he goes on to his usual sporting activities. Which could or could not include orgies

You see, been a single mum, I have realized sex is great but also greatly overrated. Sex is only great when it's consensual and with the right partner. Any other thing is not going to be an experience to look forward to

Fact is most of this people hyping sex are either with the right partner or trying to encourage themselves about their current relationship. But they definitely won't be telling you that or else they would be admitting to an assumed shortcoming in their relationship.

At least, one problem I don't have as a single mum is how to handle cold weather. Warm clothes, a mug of beverage (mum edition can be spiked ) and indoor fun.

Life is so much easier as a single sometimes 😂

How do you deal with cold? Tell me in the comments section.

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