I have written all summer about our struggles with a hoarder tenant, the eviction, and the recovery of our property. It was with a heavy heart that we went through the eviction process with our tenants. The tenants have found housing. We needed to restore our faith in humanity. We rented to a young family that many landlord would not rent to. We may regret the selection of tenant.

This last trip made us all homesick for the comforts of home. We spent the last week on the property. We camped on the property. We have painted the walls a buttery yellow. New laminate flooring put in. We filled another 15 yard dumpster with the remaining trash of over previous tenant.

Homeschooling was on point during this last cleanup. Meal planning was easier this time because the kitchen was finally to my standard of clean. We were able to sit at a table and have dinner. The days were long with home schooling and preparing the house for rent.

We came home weary from travel and worry about getting the house rented. We arrived home at 730. I made a pan of biscuits and a large pot of vegetable soup. I made a base from vegetable broth in the freezer and our garden vegetables. A simple, wholesome meal warmed our bellies and we were in bed.

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