Today was Sunday and it was very less productive and just time pass Sunday. Although I finished 2 modules from my office learning portal but they were very easy and were completed in half an hour. I just completed some household work and met some of my friends and that's it the day ended. I have not even wrote "Best Lines" blog. So after writing this blog I am going to write it down.

From past one or two month I realized that I am not being productive on weekends. I am being lazy and I there are n number of things that needs to be done. And I don't know why on weekends every excuse sounds the best. I woke up late then had breakfast late and then after lunch I took a nap of more than a hour and then when I woke up, it was time to meet friends. I have not planned my day like this. Actually I had not planned it at all.

To make a day productive you must know what are the things you should be doing and in what time frame you are going to do it. When you don't know what are the things you are going to do, then how would you do it. This is very simple and basic. I know the solution to my problem but I am unable to do it. Almost every time we know the obvious solution to our problem but we always try to avoid it because in our mind we think that: obvious things are not cool.

We have top break this barrier present in our mind to better control our situation.

So today's learning: "Obvious might not be cool but it might be easiest way to be out of any situation"

Have a Great Day

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