Today the day went a little exhausting. Some work was pending for really long and I had to complete it so decided to work till very late. Even after dinner I was working for more than one hour. Only motivation I had was: I will get to write my blog only after completing my work. And here I am writing this blog after finishing some crucial work.

There is one more task which is pending that I will do after writing this blog and after long time I am working for these long hours. I would not say that I totally enjoyed it but yes I felt some relief after completing task to a certain level. Now I know that, tomorrow till 1P.M. I will be able to deliver my work.

So today was more like work work work day. The good part was: I was doing only development related work. No live issue occurred today and that is a big advantage when you are doing some important and crucial development.

So today's learning: "It's okay to give some extra hours to your work but only sometimes. Only sometimes."

Have a Great Day

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