Call this, the, schooling, GAP if you will!  How the students from not-well-enough economically backgrounds are, suffering because of the outbreaks here!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

Distance education had become the primary means to teach and learn due to the outbreaks now, comparing to how the children in the elementary and middle school years in the lower end of the socioeconomic statuses, the government helps out, giving them the giving them the technologies, but for the college students from the lesser m the lesser backgrounds, they can only, rely on themselves.  The Taiwan Fund for Children & Families found, that for over a year, a lot of the students in the college levels receiving the sponsorship told, that the original laptop they were using for their papers, are growing old, and couldn't handle the means of online education classes, and now, they'd had to, come up with the money they needed, for the new laptops, to up the charges on their cell phone plans too.

The college student, Chang told, that the laptop he used from before, was okay for the research papers he had for university, but, as the classes, the lectures are all online, the webcam, the typing of his papers, multiple functions at the same time, causing his laptop to freeze up a lot often, making it hard for him to get caught up with the classes, and, all the money he'd earned from his part-time jobs, already went to pay for his living and school costs, there's, not that much that he has left.

The manager of Taipei's Taiwan Fund for Children & Families, Hsieh told, that based off of statistics, there are about eighty-percent of college level students who received the help, for paying their tuitions, their fees of living, started part-timing, but since the outbreaks, a lot of the classes went online, and it'd, caused the digital difference to become ever the more apparent, a lot of the students who are receiving the foundation's help are troubled, because their laptops are, too old to function.

Hsieh said, that "education is the best means of getting out of poverty", but for over a year since the outbreaks occurred, the college students from lower end of the socioeconomic statuses are, having it, harder than ever, especially in times of the epidemic, learning online became what's trending now, it'd, added to the economic burdens of the students from lesser backgrounds, she'd called out to the public, to help support these kids on their, last mile of education, to help them, get on the starting lines, evenly with the rest of the students.

And so, this, is how the epidemic, tries people on all levels, because, there are those students from lesser backgrounds, who are, in school, and, with their laptops being, used for, five, six years on end the systems bound to, run slower, and, they can't, catch up, because they don't have the extra money, to get a new laptop, they're, having it hard enough as is, making their own tuition payments, their rents, utilities, etc., etc., etc., etc.

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