Seriously, what's weighing you down is often you.

In Nigeria, we have load carriers and most times, they decide the limit of what they can carry per trip. It's their choice to carry three to five  bags of feed at once or carry one at a time. Nothing you say would make them carry more and I always respect that.

For me, it indicates that despite their supposed physical strength, they know their limitations and would not exceed it. And essential survival skill in my opinion

Some single mums are a nightmare to socialize with. Everything is about their misery and their absentee parent. I sometimes wonder, if they remember that they are individuals, birthed by parents, educated and raised with aspirations. I wonder if they still have dreams, ambitions or their lives ended with their relationship.

It's not enough to be alive, you have to live your life. Have dreams and work towards them regardless of what going on around you.  The fact is everyone around you won't take a break because you became a single parent so while you are having a pity party, your juniors would overtake you academically, career wise, network wise, innovations wise but guess what it's your fault.

You let an emotional stumble stall every other area of your life. The irony is that those people moving ahead might even be stagnant in their relationship but it's not stopping them from achieving in a thousand other ways.

So put your couple goals on a pause instead and get moving on other goals. To think romantic relationship is just one out of many networks and should not be the beam upon which other ships sink or swim. After all, it only involves one person out of the billions you need to network with.

So get yourself up and get moving, you have billions of people to network and grow

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