The sex scandals in the military, during the holidays to celebrate the servicemen, how ironic!!!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

On His Day Off, Used the Excuse of Duties, and Attacked the Servicewoman, the Suspect Taken into Custody

The Marine's Mazu Command Center had a case of sexual assault reported on the third this month, a servicewoman was attacked by Wu, a male superior, as the Lienjiang D.A.'s Office conducted the investigations and interrogations of the man, yesterday, they'd asked the courts to have Wu in custody, while the Mazu Military Defense Department started a specialist task force to investigate the matter, and will discuss the leniency in operating the units, the servicewoman who had been raped had been sent to the hospital already, and is being counseled, she is stabilized emotionally, and physically for now.

Based off of understanding, Wu during the time when the services was off on holiday two days ago, he'd used the excuse of splitting up the tasks of cleaning up the camps, to get everybody else away, demanded the servicewoman to report to him, and when he was alone with her, he'd, assaulted her, ripped her clothes open, and although the female servicewoman fought hard, she was still, assaulted by him.

Those who were on the inside stated, that afterwards, the servicewoman felt insulted, and immediately reported the matter to the superiors, and the superiors were angered, and took Wu who was involved with a higher rank into custody, and notified the investigative units of the armed services, as Wu was interrogated, he was sent to Lienjiang D.A.'s Office on charges of obstructions of sexual freedom, after the D.A. interrogated, they found him to be a known suspect of the case, asked the courts to keep him into custody, which the courts signed off on, as whether or not the victim was raped, the D.A. is waiting on the rape kit results.

Based off of knowledge, as the units were reported, they'd immediately found a female superior to accompany the servicewoman to the hospital, and to help her emotionally, and the counselors, social workers are offering therapy to the female servicewoman currently, the families already arrived in Mazu to accompany her, the female servicewoman is stabilized, emotionally, and physically, for now.

The Defense Department of Mazu stated, that the military will comply with the investigation measures by the D.A.'s Office, and use the dual principles of "punishment & reprimands", to discuss the removal of Wu's ranking in the military; and they will enforce the measure of military morale, as well as the education of gender in the military, to set up the right knowledge, to protect the honor of the military.

And so, women are still, victimized, because we're, easy targets, especially in the military, there are these rapes, sexual molestation, assault cases, because we women are minorities, and, men see us as easy targets, and we get, victimized more often, and this is still a crime of opportunity that's occurred here!

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