Hi everyone! I know that I blab about myself an awful lot here, but [plot twist] I also want to get to know YOU all better!

So I have some starter questions here that'll help us get to know each other better. I hope you participate. It'll be interesting to see what the overall turnout is like.

I made them poll questions too, in case you're looking for quick and easy input. But you're also welcome to freestyle your answers in the comments too. Definitely whatever your preference is, is fine. It's another characteristic of you!

And I don't believe the poll works if you're here via WordPress Reader, my apologies for that. I think the only way to see the poll questions would be via my actual site... so sad. 😦


And, it's almost time for me to draw for the next Subscriber Spotlight, where one of you lucky folks can win a free promo on my blog and social media. The winner last time was BosssyBabe and you can check out her shout-out here: My First Subscriber Spotlight - BosssyBabe.

Make sure you are entered by subscribing below so you don't miss out on the drawing... Good luck!

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