A final email to the marx group so-called moderator who destroyed the start of a good discussion
at the baren and mentally closed marxmail list.
It is sad, the left has died of anemia and any radical so-called group that can discuss the fascist
9/11 coup is at a deadend.

the closed cults of marxists
From: Nemonemini
To: les.schaffer@gmail.com ; marxmail@groups.io
Date: Mon, Sep 6, 2021 11:43 pm
Mr. Schaffer: I was just on the verge of a fruitful discussion on the list and you interrupted that and destroyed it.
That's a completely shitty and Stalinist thing to do. These marx groups are suffering a kind of anemia and the people in them
could never lead a revolutionary transformation to anything by a deadend.
And this incident shows the problem.
In one stroke you create emnity for no good reason except your own group fundamentalism and violent
stalinist antagonism even to fellow socialists.

good riddance in any case