Have you ever actually lived with your grandparents?

I was able to see my grandmom growing up. My mother made it a point we visit her every sunday.

She would prepare those sandwiches of any sort. Coupled with coffee or milk. Whatever was available. She would sit down on the couch with us and tell us stories of what she did for the day.

And I appreciated every bit of it. Every small step she made, with both her hands carrying over the food tray for me to eat. Her curly white hair pinned with a bobby on one side. I knew I was lucky.

And now, my children, are able to spend time with their grandparents. They go to the movies together, they eat ice cream together, my son even wanted to sleep with grandmom instead of me.

This, plain and simple, is one of life's greatest blessing. Yes it can be annoying to have someone say stop scolding the kid when that kid deserved some spanking. But to sum it up, I am so glad they are able to call grandmom with glee every time they see her. How my mother's eyes light up to see two balls of energy zooming around her backyard.

Thank you God, despite everything. Thank you.

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