After almost five hours, it was finally over and the judge told him right away that she believes him and that she is giving him asylum!
I didn't update anymore yesterday because after those five hours and all those weeks beforehand filled with anxiety and fear and worry, I was EXHAUSTED! I am barely awake now, just had my first cup of coffee, but I wanted to update this because people have been so so supportive and kind and I wanted to take this moment to thank you all. Thank you for following me along on this bumpy ride and lending me your strength and showing me your kindness. I really appreciate it a LOT!

But he gets to stay and now we need to figure out a bunch of other things - things that seem to not matter very much after we've had this sword of him maybe getting deported dangling over our heads for so long.

The judge was really nice. I went in about four hours after the whole thing started. I saw they didn't have to wear masks the whole time after all which made me very relieved for my boyfriend. They had erected barriers between everyone so that he could give his testimony without having to wear a mask for hours and hours. And since we're both vaccinated, I was able to talk to the judge without a mask, too. My whole thing was rather brief. Maybe 20 minutes of talking and after that my boyfriend got to say a few words of his own and then they sent us out to let the judge think about her verdict and then it was finally over!

When we stepped outside, my mom was already waiting there for us. We all hugged tightly and there was lots of relieved laughter.

We were giddy from relief and exhaustion. I barely slept six hours, after having been up for 20 and not getting more than six hours of sleep the night before either. I am TIRED. But he gets to stay. He gets to stay!!! Things will be okay. We'll be okay. I just wanted him to be safe, and now he is.

I am tired, but I am happy. Very happy and relieved and lots of mixed feelings in trying to let go of all the anxiety. My brain can hardly believe it's over and he is safe.

I have therapy in a few hours. It will be good to go over all of it there and try to find some calm in all this.
It's over. He gets to stay. And he is safe.

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