I saw a post on one mom's story earlier this week and it triggered some thoughts in my brain lol. The quote said something along the lines of instead of waking up and checking your phone, stop thank God for being alive, share a moment with your spouse and have a moment of gratitude. It resonated with me. It is true the way we wake up and the actions we chose can set a tone for our day, and sometimes for others. And I believe the same can be said about how we come home from a day of work or how we are at the end of the night; it can also set the mood and the tone for the way we go to sleep.

There are so many reasons and benefits for waking up in the morning with a positive mindset, a positive attitude, and having actions that help create positive energy. Here's just a few examples how...

You will feel better. And when you feel good, the people around you feel good

It helps reduce stress, and who doesn't want to feel less stressed?

There's cognitive function improvement that happen as a result

As a result of your morning mood, you will have more positive thoughts during the day

If you suffer from depression or anxiety, this routine will help subdue it

I think these few points are some great motivators for wanting to wake up in a peaceful/relaxing environment. I know I am always looking to find ways to help set the tone for the day for myself and our family, and I am always looking to get more helpful and useful tips. Before I end this...don't forget to try these to help you mommas out in the morning.

Don't check your phone right away - it's not really heathy to wake up and roll over to your phone. Especially when you haven't woken up to greet your spouse, take a moment to say a prayer together or just have a few minutes to cuddle before it gets busy

Wake up, stretch and meditate - instead of going straight to a screen or a monitor, give your body something it can appreciate

Drink some water or tea with lemon - it's been proven to flush the stomach out and help the lymphatic system

Make your bed up - it develops good habits, creates early productivity and makes you feel accomplished