Table of Reviews

Imperfect High - Review

Imperfect High - Lifetime - 2 hours and 0 minutes

After her mom got a new job in Chicago, Hanna feels like the odd-girl-out in her new school.  During her first day, Hanna attended a drug prevention seminar.  But she couldn't ignore Rob's sarcastic comments.  A few years ago, a girl overdosed, but the school doesn't discuss it with the students, leaving Rob with a bitter pill to swallow.  In art class, Hanna gets two surprises.  First, the teacher will recommend his most promising students to apply for an art fellowship.  Second, Rob is her art partner for the next project.  While she has an art partner, she still doesn't have friends.  The next day, the school goes into lockdown, and Hanna has a panic attack.  Seeing Hanna panicking, Dylan starts to calm her down.  After the lockdown drill, Dylan and Hanna exchange numbers and eat together during lunch.  Dylan introduces Hanna to his friends Blake and Rose.  The couple invites Hanna to a party.  At the party, Rose can see that Hanna is overwhelmed.  So, she offers Hanna a Xanax.  At first, Hanna hesitates, but she takes the pill.  Soon, Hanna relaxes and enjoys the party.  This one decision put Hanna on a slippery slope to addiction, overdose, and unprotected sex.  Can she climb out of the pill bottle in time?

With doctors writing so many prescriptions today, kids' access to dangerous narcotics is astounding.  Kids don't have to buy drugs on the street corner.  Instead, they can fake an issue and get a prescription in one visit.  Or go to a medicine cabinet.  With Hanna's medical history of panic attacks and sleep issues, her doctor not only wrote the prescription but upped her dosage.  Even as Hanna learns about the dangers of quitting cold turkey, it doesn't stop her from snorting the drug.  If you watch Intervention, you understand that Hanna's story is a known tale (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer).  An anxiety disorder mixed with social pressure and access to pills is a dangerous and often lethal combination.  As Hanna's addiction spirals out of control, the deadliest drug of choice is denial.  

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

You're right. I hate lectures - Hanna

What? No filter - Rob

How's the PTSD - Dylan

Hanna is the most responsible person I know - Mrs. Brooks

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My Husband's Secret Brother - Review

My Husband's Secret Brother - LMN - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Jackie makes substantial changes to her life since her husband, Jon, died three years ago.  She is opening a dance studio with her friend, Kat, having her boyfriend, Kevin, move in, and raising her teenage daughter, Madison.  After Kevin moves in, Madison notices an email from another woman on Kevin's computer.  Madison tells Jackie, and Jackie tries to play it cool.  But as Jackie's suspicions grow, Kevin pops the question.  Kat tells Jackie to trust Kevin because her proof is circumstantial.  Jackie decides to trust Kevin and focus on her dance studio.  Jackie contacts a high school frenemy turned blogger, Maya, to interview Jackie and Kat for their upcoming business.  During the interview, Maya focuses on Jon and his death more than the studio.  A hit-and-run driver killed Jon, and the police never found the suspect.  Jackie can't believe she lost her high school sweetheart in mere seconds.  While this leaves Jackie heartbroken, it also makes her wealthy.  Jackie didn't know when she met Jon, but Jon came from a wealthy family.  Now, she has $150 million.  She is using some for her studio and living expenses.  However, the rest is for Madison's trust.  Madison will receive some money for college expenses and get a lump sum when she graduates.  If something happens to Jackie before Madison graduates, Kat is the successor.  Kevin, a plastic surgeon, doesn't care about the money.  Well, on the surface.  He wants the money for himself.  He wants to marry Jackie, kill Madison, and then kill Jackie.  Every dime will be his.  Muddled with malpractice lawsuits, Kevin wants this money to restart his life.  But Kevin feels like he deserves a cut of Jon's family fortune because, unknown to Jackie, Jon was his brother.

Talk about saved by the twist.  This movie starts as the stereotypical Lifetime movie with a widowed single mother moving too fast, a bratty teen, and a too eager boyfriend.  But it slowly changes the script.  Madison realizes her actions are childish and apologies.  It doesn't take a near-death experience to make her see the error of her ways.  Then there is the twist.  The plot sets this up at a critical time where Kevin is on a killing spree.  You think he found a new victim but oh no.  While this movie is a slow build to ordinary, the twist is its saving grace.  

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

You don't know what past your prime is until you can share medication notes at the geriatric home - Kat

Well, one of us has to have a bleeding heart - Jackie

A big step in the right direction - Kevin

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Karen - Review

Karen - BET - 2 hours and 25 minutes

As Malik and Imani move into their new home, their neighbors, Karen and Jane, watch.  Karen quickly notices the couple is African American and becomes worried.  But Jane welcomes the change.  The couple settles in and talks about expanding their family.  In the morning, Imani sees Karen installing cameras that point directly at their home.  Imani doesn't understand why Karen would do this because the neighborhood has zero crime.  Malik tells Imani to ignore it and focus on work.  The next day, Karen introduces herself to Malik but won't shake his hand because she is a germaphobe.  He mentions the camera, and Karen asks Malik if he's casing her home.  Then, Karen laughs and calls it a joke.  Karen takes the time to remind Malik about the HOA rules: they have to take their trash cans off the curb immediately after pickup.  Malik smiles, accepts, and goes home.  He hopes this is the last interaction he has with Karen.  But he is dead wrong.  Karen immediately reports him to the HOA because she is the president.  However, they refuse to reprimand them because the couple is new.  And with the current climate, the HOA fears backlash.  Karen's frustrations grow.  She wants Imani and Malik out of her neighborhood.  And if the HOA won't help her, she will use her cameras, gun, and brother to force them out.  

There was a time where movies like this seemed far-fetched.  But in a world with cell phone cameras, live streaming, and Fear Thy Neighbor, we all know this story is shockingly true (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer).  This movie grabs lots of well-known incidences and strings them together in one movie.  Some willing to voice an opposing opinion to Karen or her brother only increase their wrath against Malik and Imani.  The difference between the news and this movie is that it gives Karen and her brother a backstory.  A cause for why they became unhinged.  While this is a compelling movie, your blood will boil as Karen and her brother, Mike, repeat racist rhetoric and continue a campaign of harassment.  Regardless, the same lesson rings true.  Just mind your business.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

She seems nice - Imani

What would make you say that - Karen

I rather be caught with it than without it - Malik

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Redemption in Cherry Springs - Review

Redemption in Cherry Springs - HMM - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Melanie returned to Cherry Springs to sell her recently deceased mother's home.  Or at least that's what she is telling everybody.  Melanie is an investigative reporter in fear for her life.  In Boston, she uncovered unsafe working conditions in the Fall River Factory.  She wanted the story to make front-page news, so she let her editor hold it back a week.  Within that week, one person died.  And when the story broke, dozens lost their jobs.  Not long after, Melanie started to receive death threats and moved.  In Cherry Springs, Melanie sees her Uncle Jay and her high school friends, Diana and Rachel.  Rachel's husband, Tony, is a mechanic and owns a body shop.  And Melanie sees Tony get into arguments with Rachel, his sister, Sara Jane, and his co-worker, Andy.  At a community center opening, Melanie meets the new detective, Jay, from New York.  Since his time in town, Jay and Joe formed a friendship over football and food.

On her daily run, Melanie notices the same white van following her.  She runs home to get away and finds Rachel in her front yard.  Rachel tells Melanie that Tony is missing.  They report Tony missing to Jay, and Jay finds Tony's car with skid marks and blown tires.  Jay admits this is suspicious and puts Tony's disappearance at the top of the pile.  When Melanie uses her investigative journalism skills to help Rachel, she reveals cancer, money, and a secret woman.

Based on a story by Lauren C. Snowden, this movie is a promising start to a series.  The plot introduces you to a lot of characters and their backstories in a short time.  It will be good to give this movie a second watch to keep up.  So half of the film is devoted to character development and the other to mystery.  However, there is an overarching mystery.  Who is after Melanie? This question gives viewers more episodes and a love story to come.  The mystery was a bit predictable.  But now that we know the characters, the plots will have more time to evolve.  

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

Mention old an and I shall appear - Joe

More like a hot mess - Melanie

Any excuse for men to eat fried food and take turns napping - Jay

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Psycho Intern - Review

Psycho Intern - Lifetime - 2 hours and 0 minutes

After seeing her daughter off to college, Maya is ready to focus on work.  Maya's assistant, Kate, greets Maya and goes over the day's events.  Maya has an important client meeting and a new intern starting today.  After a successful pitch, Maya waits for Kate to bring in the intern, Alex.  Maya thinks Alex has impressive credentials and promises to give him beneficial work.  While Maya thinks Alex is sweet, he rubs Kate the wrong way.  Maya tells Kate to relax and give the new guy a chance.  But Kate's concerns are valid.  Alex will poison, harm, and manipulate to win Maya's approval and affection.  Of course, Maya won't learn this until she and Alex cross a professional and personal line.

In the opening scene, viewers will watch Alex's unstable nature in high school.  It's no wonder that it carried over into his internships.  While the story develops slowly, the end does provide a few tense moments over a very disturbing dinner.  This movie doesn't require your full attention in the middle, just the beginning and the end.  

I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars

Ok, I'm ripping off the bandaid - Emma

Ma'am is even worse than Miss - Maya

It's a desk of tree genocide - Kate

This is not your fault ok. Accidents happen - Alex

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Love in Translation - Review

Love in Translation - UPtv - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Julie thought she would get her dream job while her professors reviewed her Ph.D. thesis.  Instead, they fire her.  Her school cut back on its ancient languages program, and the funding dried up.  Her advising professor tried to find her something new but couldn't.  Julie goes home and does some math to determine how much she will need for rent, utilities, and food.  Realizing she doesn't have enough saved, Julie knows she needs a job.  But she got some good luck.  Julie's advising professor found a job at a museum, her dream job.  Her sister, Lu, tells Julie to relax if the interviewer is handsome.  Julie has a bad habit of saying the wrong thing around good-looking men.  At the interview, something is amiss when Dan asks questions about bones.  Julie discovers Dan wants her to be a dog walker, not work at the museum.  Feeling defeated, Julie leaves.  But Dan looks over her resumé and is pleasantly impressed by her credentials.  However, he has nothing to offer the Harvard graduate.

Later, Julie finds a job as a foreign language teacher.  Her first clients are Earl and Rosy.  They want to learn Italian before they go to Italy.  Impressed by Julie, Rosy asks if Julie can teach her son French.  Rosy thinks her son fails at romance, and he could lose his French girlfriend if he doesn't make an effort.  Julie agrees to meet with him, and it's Dan.  Dan says no to the lessons at first.  But changes his mind when he calls his girlfriend, Cosette.  Cosette isn't excited to see him and hints at wanting a little romance, not just talks about soil, bones, and artifacts.  Before Julie can call Dan, Dan calls her to start his French lesson.  Julie will help Dan find his romantic side just in time to fall in love with him.

This film offers laughable moments with a montage of bad dates, nosy mothers, and an arguing couple, but it's not memorable.  With several lulls, you will lose interest in the story and the characters.  The plot, the characters, and the twist aren't new.  You will be more invested in Earl and Rosy's preparation for Italy than Julie and Dan's romance.  And Cosette's comeback won't worry you the least bit.  This movie doesn't compel you to watch.  Good thing UPtv limited its commercial breaks.  

I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars

Eat first, ask questions later - Julie

Well, that's impressive - Dan

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Roadhouse Romance - Review

Roadhouse Romance - Hallmark - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Callie returned home from the military, and everything has changed.  Her family's restaurant, Tucker's Roadside BBQ, her grandfather's BBQ recipe, and her grandfather.  Grandpa Tucker died during her deployment.  It haunts her that she couldn't be by his side.  But not having his BBQ sauce make losing him more emotional.  Her mother and aunt admit they don't know the recipe, and Grandpa Tucker didn't write it down.  Callie remembers that he promised he would, but they can't find it.  When all seems changed, Callie sees Joe, her boyfriend.  She walks over to hug him, but he is distant.  He pulls Callie aside and tells her that he started dating someone else because Callie didn't want strings during her deployment.  Callie gets in her car to drive away, and Luke almost slams into her with his new Mustang.  While Callie's car wasn't damaged, Luke's car won't start.  Luke's agent, Dan, is happier than a pig in slop.  Dan saw a billboard for the diner and wanted to try it, but Luke refused to pull over.  Now, Dan can eat the best BBQ this side of the river and get to know Callie's aunt Willow.  The town's mechanic tells Dan and Luke that the Mustang will take a day to fix.  So, Willow offers them the room above the restaurant for the night.

Seeing that Callie has a difficult time with change, Willow doesn't tell Callie the truth.  The restaurant is failing, and they are counting on Tucker's Fall Music Festival's ticket sales to bring in income.  Later, seeing Luke in a bind, Callie offers him a ride into town.  During the drive, Callie learns he is a director who wants to direct feature films.  Callie reveals she acquired a physical training job at the local VA.  When his girlfriend, Jillian, calls to talk about a feature movie deal, Luke asks Callie to pull over for privacy.  She pulls over but makes him get out of the car.  When Luke takes too long on the phone, Callie leaves him behind with a smile.  Luke can't believe it.  Later they sit and talk about each other's interests.  She loves country music, and he loves movies.  They can't imagine the other doesn't share the same passion.  So they decide to do a cultural exchange.  Luke makes a top 10 list of films, and Callie creates a top 10 of country music.  Allowing himself time to think, Luke starts to question his job, passion, and relationship.  Each day Luke's connection to Callie grows stronger.  Will that change when Jillian comes to town?

Be ready to fall in love with an original character on Hallmark.  Callie has sass, charisma, and heartbreak rolled into a beautiful voice.  She is one of the most dynamically written characters in Hallmark.  Usually, it takes a series to flush this much emotion out of one character.  She refuses to put up with Luke's Hollywood attitude but quickly admits to her wrongdoings.  While you know the final destination for this film, you enjoy watching Callie and Luke's journey.  The songs will hit you to your core, and the film will add a few songs and movies to your list.  Be ready to laugh and well up to the movie.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

Isn't it your job to make your clients work more not less - Luke

I'll take the blame, driving while being a cry baby - Callie

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