Thank you for joining me for a coffee chat today. I link up with Natalie the Explorer for the share every weekend.

If we were having coffee I would tell you I had to take a trip to Ohio this week. It ended up being a writing immersion two days for me. It was the first day of fall and glorious writing and reading time for me. I also had some time to catch up on my work with the Sarah Selecky Writing School Story Intensive. I was closely reading Aimee Bender's novel The Butterfly Lampshade and I am captivated by her writing style. I then was able to sign up for a workshop with her that I took Saturday. It was a well spent 2 hours. The exercises were amazing, I was happy with my writing, and I found some other short story writers that are amazing who attended the class.

If we were having coffee I would tell you I have been continuing the walking after school. Writing time is in the morning and I feel much more like myself.

If we were having coffee I would tell you my PUSH group is continuing through The Artist's Way. We had a bit of a detour since I was out of town but we are all good. These weekly hour long meetings are the heartbeat of my community. There is so much joy and energy each week.

If we were having coffee I would tell you I was able to be on the Centered call this week. Sarah talked about rejection and submission. There are a couple of stories in the hopper that have just been sitting there. I will give them a couple more read throughs and then send them off somewhere.

If we were having coffee I would tell you the weather has turned much cooler and I am thankful for it! Sweatshirts are back in the rotation! WHOO HOO!

I hope your week was amazing and full of things that bring you joy!

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