Midterms were last week. The last 14 days are a big blur of books, outlines, and flashcards - OH MY! I also drank my fair share of beer. That's right, beer. I sound like a true student, even though I'm an entire decade older than most of my classmates (or colleagues, as the fancy-pants folks like to say).

It turns out I've still got the stamina and fortitude necessary to study for 11+ hours a day for the week leading up to midterms. Then, I dropped to about 6-8 hours of study time during the actual week of midterms because my brain was just soup after an hour and a half of intense examination in the mornings.

What many folks won't tell you, because I suspect they don't feel this way, is the actual exams are kind of exciting. It wasn't fun - that's not the correct term for it - but it was thrilling to be tested and find out how much I knew. It was a unique experience, unlike anything I ever had in undergrad or grad school previously.

All in all, I hope that I did well enough to be satisfied with the results when we do get our grades back. I also hope that I learn from the mistakes I made (I know there are probably many) and apply some of that knowledge to finals when they come around.

Photo by Steven Pahel on Unsplash

I'll be here more regularly now that midterms are over. I'm no longer a deer in headlights trying to decide between flight or fight as the headlights of midterms come barreling towards me.
I'll leave you with this bit of parting advice: Do yourself a favor and do something that challenges you today. The feeling of accomplishment is better than you can imagine. ✨

xo Tenacious