Today I submitted my resignation to my fulltime job at the landfill.

It was nerve wreaking at first but after I typed it up and sent it to someone else and read it outloud it just felt right. I felt a little skin prickly about it first with my anxiety but after a short period that passed and I just felt calm. Eerily at ease for me. I think I made the right decision. I'll get to be home more with My daughter it'll be less stress, less time away, shorter days and less gas to get to and from.

I'm hoping that this is going to be a good change and lead me to where I'm supposed to be in life. My job at the carwash is only going to be a stepping stone till I find my next place. I'm ready to throw my hands up and let life take the wheel. I feel like I've been almost fighting this change for the past two years and maybe that's why everything was just so difficult because I didn't belong staying there all this time. Maybe life was beating my ass to get me moving in another direction. I'm hopeful and eager to see where I go and I hope that as my reader you'll follow along with me.

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