I think that the thing that most keeps Angular, the one who wrote the previous post, from believing in anything it's that it opens her up to a lot of pain. The gentleness and ultimately the compassion that she's taking about are connected to memories of a time long, long ago when we were truly loved and cherished as "a person".

The great grandmother, though memories connected to her are complicated and sometimes just so utterly disappointing, loved us deeply in her way. And yet at our most terrified and in our deepest pain, she abandoned us. But she was the one who taught us about God. She prayed with us every night we spent with her for goodness and kindness to come to the people around us. People who were anything but kind and good to her, or us.

We loved her deeply. She loved us, too.

The kindness, the gentleness, the compassion, they all come at the price of remembering. Remembering who we were, who the people around us were, where we came from, what we came from and most of all: what we have lost.

But i believe Angular and everyone inside can get to a place where that loss doesn't overshadow all the love anymore. Because there was - and there is - just so much love.


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