So we tried to have a baby today.

When I say we tried I mean today was the day. We scheduled our c-section a month ago and we were ready to meet our baby girl today. We were to check in at 1030am and surgery was at 1230.

We started our day bright and early at home with our older kids excitedly loading the truck with our hospital bag and car seat and tending to last minute details. Then it was time to go. We hugged the other kids goodbye and told them to be good for grandpa while we are gone at the hospital and that we would send them pictures of thier new little sister later in the day.

So off we went, our town no longer has a hospital so we had about an hour drive to the hospital we had chosen to deliver at. We spent the drive excitedly discussing our upcoming bundle of joy. Our very last kid, we talked about all the normal things what she would look like, or who, how big she would be and reminisced about our other kids births also.

We arrived to the hospital 10 minutes before our check in time and proceeded to carry all of our things in,got through the COVID screening and headed to the admissions desk. We gave the secretary our name and she starts to check us in. Then she makes a phone call and turns to us and says " we paged your doctor but he is not answering. You can try to call him your self but in the mean time have a seat and someone will be out to speak with you soon".

Now we are worried and wondering what is going on, I'm thinking ok we are going to have to wait a little while no big deal I understand things don't always go as planned.

A short while later the floor manager of the labor and delivery unit comes to speak with us.

She tells us I'm sorry but we are having to many babies today go home and we will try again tomorrow.

Excuse me what!??! I ask as calmly as possible are you serious? this has been scheduled for a month and we have to travel to get here. She says welcome to the world of labor and delivery and walks off.

We are left standing there in the middle of the waiting room in complete shock. So we tried to have a baby today. I plan to call before we leave home tomorrow to make sure there aren't "to many babies for ours to be born".

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