It's almost hard to know where to start this post. I intended to write much earlier this week but so much is going on. Last Wednesday we were given 4 chickens from our new preacher and his wife. They were almost at laying age so the hubby fixed up the coop. We put chicken wire everywhere possible then used screening for all the roof openings. The chickens were Hyghlines-- a hybrid for a local university. These were their daughter's 4h project.

We were so proud of them. They were getting used to us and us to them. We named them Louisa, Esther, Myrtle, and Nugget (the husband's idea).

Well night before last, something got Esther. We figured a coon from the looks of it. The hubby repaired all possible openings to keep anything else out. Well last night I heard a noise and something had got Louisa. Today we have worked on building an outside fence around the coop to help protect the two remaining chickens. We also purchased 5 chicks today but these we will keep at the tent until they are larger.

We didn't finish the fence because it got too late but we are going to sleep up there tonight and hopefully stop anything that could get the last 2 chickens. It has been quite an eye opener for the kids to see those poor chickens mutilated to such a degree but they have done very well and learned that death is a part of life.

Our other project presented itself in the form of a tractor. We have looked a very long time for one in our price range. Finally we found one. It is old but it is good. Its needs some TLC but we were able to get it and a bushhog under our price range. It is a '54 Ford NAA.

Our other project has been a Coolgardie fridge build. A sweet lady here on the blog commented about this and as I had never heard of it-- I started researching. It was invented in Australia back in the late 1800s. The hubby built the frame out of wood and hardware cloth.

We then bought some burlap and covered all sides. A bowl or metal dish is placed on top and flannel strips are placed in the bowl to wick cold water down the sides. As the wind blows and tries to dry the burlap, it cools the inside. It does actually work. I placed butter inside 3 days ago and though it doesn't stay very firm, it does stay semi-firm. It is better than anything we have used so far.

As for having fresh eggs, it looks like we have a little longer to wait. However a sweet gentleman at our church brought us a box of his fresh eggs last night. They have been a blessing because today is my oldest girl's birthday. She turned 10 and we made her a worm cake and breakfast for supper. That is what she requested and the eggs sure made both things much better.

Tomorrow hopefully we will finish our chicken fence build and hopefully keep our chickens safe from predators. I pray everyone has a blessed week.

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