I am slow writer, and I would be embarrassed to admit how long it takes me to write a blog post. It's not for lack of fodder. I always have plenty of wonderful blog ideas. They pop into my mind when I'm showering or driving to town or washing dishes or folding clothes or watering tomatoes or... You get the idea. Inconveniently, my creative brain tends to turn on at times when I absolutely cannot stop, go to my computer, and write. I love, love, LOVE blogging, and I'd much rather do that than many of the other things I should be doing, but in order to focus and write well, I've learned that I need three things besides just a great idea:

- a block of uninterrupted time; peace and quiet

- a sense of accomplishment; tasks completed and checked off my to-do list

- a level of ambient tidiness, but not necessarily actual cleanliness

However, those three stars VERY rarely align, and life -- at least my life -- almost never grinds to a halt at the end of a notable experience to give me hours of solitude for reviewing, savoring, and then blogging about the event. No, life keeps going.

I can't begin to condense thirteen weeks of our very Sng-filled life into one -- or even a series of – blog posts, but since there are a lot of things I want to remember, I'm going to create a list of bullet points here in no particular order. There are surely many more precious memories than I'm listing here, and nearly all of these deserve to be expanded upon. I'd like very much to do that, but since life does go on, I'm making no promises.

- Ezekiel on my lap reading book, after book, after book

- Ezekiel in the sandbox

- Ezekiel in the swing, eyes closed, singing "Jesus Loves Me"

- Jessica baking (muffins, "cookies," low-sugar carrot cake)

- Both kids in the bathtub, bath book, rubber ducks

- Grape boat at Big Rock

- Ellie in her floatie

- Ezekiel at the library, SO excited by all those books! Pulling one out, turning a few pages, and saying, "too many words"

- Feeding Ellie and seeing her sign "more"

- Those MASSIVE meal clean-ups, but I did eventually figure out a system:

  1. Clear all the dishes and rinse them.
  2. Wipe down Ezekiel's high chair, Ellie's clip-on seat, and the table.
  3. Sweep the dining room and kitchen.
  4. Put away the leftovers.
  5. Wash the dishes and wipe the counters.
  6. Sit down! (and probably read some books to Ezekiel) = )

- Matthias sitting on the living room floor with Ellie, eating noodles, and watching the Cardinals

- Coming home from the gym and seeing Ellie in her PJs sitting on the porch swing with Scott

- Ezekiel and Aunt Katie on the toy room bed - and under the covers! - with the friends

- Katie pulling Ellie and Ezekiel in the wagon; Ezekiel behind Ellie with his hands on her shoulders (or around her neck!) to keep her from falling. Those two so love each other.

And I so love Jessica, Matthias, Ezekiel, and Ellie!

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