Disclaimer... this books isn't Canadian! I do occasionally post about non-Canadian books that really move me, and today I want to say thank you to our Canadian health care workers. Thank you for everything you are doing.

Today I am back in the teaching studio, going through my lesson plans and prepping, and tomorrow I will see my students again. Quite honestly, I'm feeling emotional about the idea of speaking into the lives of young people during such a weighty time. I feel honoured to get to do it... mixed with a start-of-the-year feeling of excitement and anxious responsibility.

This morning, We Move the World made my eyes well up with tears. It touches on historical moments of justice, hope, and strength, while poetically reflecting on simple things we can do to make a difference, no matter our age. I think that Kari Lavelle found a balance between admiring and lifting up heroes of the past with demonstrating the ways children can be heroes in their day to day lives at home or at school. The illustrations are soft and colourful, and tell the story of the past and possible future so beautifully.

I hope that this year, my students feel empowered to speak, play, and live justly and bravely inside and outside the classroom. 

"At home and school--
we stand up;
we show up.
In big and small ways,
we move the world."

We Move the World
by Kari Lavelle
illustrated by Nabi H. Ali
Published by Harper Collins
Recommended ages 4-8

This book was gifted to me by the author and publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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