A very intelligent 16 years old girl reflected upon the subject of why its not acceptable to tell lies as her school assignment. It was in 2010. Today she is here with you continuing to spread inner wisdom. To be honest I think me becoming adult has made me more stupid in some matters 😅 than when I was 16. I guess becoming more social during the last 9 years has left its prints on me.

I'm not going to copy & paste everything but I will leave a link for you to download the file in case you are a philosophical persona that likes to dig deeper.



So to not dwell too much let me tell you why lies got short legs and what are the consequences of lying.

There is nothing in this world that can be kept secret. Especially not matters which someone scooped under a matt. No matter if someone lies to avoid punishment or to protect someone else, it's all wrong. The reason why it's wrong is first of all because it makes us less dependable. No one would trust us and even dislikes us once they've found the truth.

Another word for lying is deception. It's very common for people that want to gain something without putting in their own efforts to earn it like for example thieves or frauds. In this case a prison sentence is most likely the comulation of their deceit. In some countries like Afghanistan or Iraq even countless tortures are likely if caught by the authorities. That's why it's not worth it. Of course from the stand point of the individual that practices deceit there will be hundreds of explanations why his actions aren't wrong. Some may even call me a cold bitch for saying this but this is the reality.

I can admit I lied countless of times. Not to gain anything though. My family is quite harsh so I used to be silent about my plans if I knew how they would react if I told them. In a way that can be called deceit too. Nevertheless, I do not feel guilty. My point of view is that I wanted to follow my heart which wanted to meet it's lover. It was never with the intention of going against anyone. I simply wanted to have the right to love the man of my choice and so time has shown that I wasn't 100% right but I wasn't wrong either. And it's okay. I learned from my mistakes. The most beneficial thing of all is that it actually helped me to reevaluate my relationships. In my case lies coming to the surface was a good thing 😅. Nevertheless do not lie if its not a necessity! Always think about the consequences it will have for you and your closest relationships.

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