The summation, call it that, if you will, of this country, ruled by the DICTATORSHIP of DDP, commentaries, observations off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

As the head of the executive department Su started, ramming, we the people had better, tighten ourselves, up, worried, that he might, ram ahead, way, too fast, way too far.  As the anti-four public votes advocated by the DDP got pushed onto stage, the moment Su got on stage, he'd started, firing up, accused the KMT for trying to overthrow Tsai and take power over the government, "Beating Tsai until she's limping!".  Come on, this weak claim, you're, not helping the president's case here!

Whether or not the votes passe, it's up to "we the people", and, Su apparent, mixed up the voting on the issues with the votes for the presidential offices.  Besides, four of the public issues up for votes are started by the local, and, the DDP turned it all on the KMT, are they, trying, to hold we the people, in contempt?  Besides, it's only natural that the party in power alternates, and, the party not in power shall, fight for the government office, that's, only, natural.  Su made the claims of how the KMT had beaten Tsai to limping, this sort of playing the victims, is too low, even for him.

Based off of the norms of politics, as a leader in power, as her/his term is about to come to an end, s/he would, start limping, due to the lessening of influences s/he now exerted.  And yet, as the president Tsai had started limping, then, the cause of her limping is, Su.  Reason being, Su had always been, boasting himself, with the lac of facts, his team ran around like headless chickens, and there's no, actual, effects shown of his "hard work".  A legislation that showed lack of progress, and scurries around like a headless chicken, it's, pulling the legs of the president, isn't it?

Another cause of Tsai's limping around, is, the fight for power within her own party.  Whether or not she has what it took, to steady her party, it's on her shoulders; but Su uses his status in the government, to call the New "Su" army, to oppress those who are of a different party, isn't that also, the reason of the political realms, going up in smokes?  The Yilan station of the High-Speed Rail System kept switching locations, the "Lin version" of illustrated literature getting recycled and burned, who's responsible behind all of that?

Allow we the people, to make our voices count!  If you keep bullshitting us, you will only make us hate you more!

And so, this, is the party's last attempt, to get we the people to support the party officials, but why should we, huh???  Just look at how FUCKED (no need to pardon me here) up, this country's become, how many had died of contraction of MERS-CoV already, and it's still all because the government's pushing for its own brand of vaccines, and delaying ordering of the vaccines already approved by the rest of the world, and how it'd, blocked off the imports of BioNTech/Pfizer, because it had the labels of the Shanghai agent, and how it'd not made the vaccines available quickly enough to all who needs, and how many had died, that didn't have to die originally, and it's all because of this, government's, rule, and now, as the end-of-year election term comes, they're all, shaking here…

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