This blog is about 15 best lines or quotes or learning from this book called "The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck" by "Mark Manson". This is a super amazing book. This is one of my reads of 2021. In this book the "f*ck" is referred as giving more importance to something or giving more attention to something. The way this book is written is so amazing that, you always feel that the author is actually talking to you.

This book is for everyone, who wants to understand how the things are in real life. The most important thing this book tells you is what are the things you should give importance to, why do they require more attention and how you can do it. There are more amazing things that you will get to know as you read this book. For now enjoy some of my key learnings.

Let's start

Bukowski was a loser. He knew it. And his success stemmed not from some determination to be a winner, but from the fact that he knew he was a loser, accepted it, and then wrote honestly about it.

Self-improvement and success often occurs together. But that doesn't necessarily mean they are the same thing.

You learn about the best ways to make money because you feel you don't have enough money already.

The key to a good life is not giving f*ck about more; it's giving f*ck about less, giving a f*ck about only what is true and immediate and important.

Because there is an infinite amount of things we can now see or knew, there are also an infinite number of ways we can discover that we don't measure up, that we're not good enough, that things aren't as great as they could be. And this reaps us apart.

The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience.

Everything worthwhile in life is won through surmounting the associated negative experience.

To not give a f*ck is to stare down life's most terrifying and difficult challenge and still take action.

You can't be an important and life-changing presence for some people without also being a joke and an embarrassment to others. You just can't.

Maturity is what happens when one learns to only give a fuck about what's truly fuck-worthy.

Practical enlightment is becoming comfortable with the idea that some sufficient is always inevitable - that no matter what you do, life is comprised of failures, loss, regrets, and even death.

The pain and loss are inevitable and we should let go of trying to resist them.

It's not always beneficial to avoid pain and seek pleasure, since pain can, at times, be life-or-death important to our well-being.

Happiness is a constant work in progress, because solving problem is a constant work in progress- the solutions to today's problems will lay the foundation for tomorrow's problems, and so on.

Problems never f*cking go away, they just improve

This book is super amazing all the lines mentioned above are from first few pages only. I am going to make more of this blog. I post my "Best Lines" blog every Monday 9 am. So stay tuned for another one.

Have a Great Day

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