Former Tampa Bay Buccaneers cheerleader and lobbyist Bobbie Shay Lee is closing in on financial planner Copley Gerdes as the two face off for the St. Petersburg City Council District 1 seat.

Lee outraised Gerdes in the most recent campaign finance report, which covered the two week period of Sept. 11 through Sept. 24. In that time, Lee raised $12,750 while Gerdes collected $9,770.

However, Gerdes is still the top fundraiser, raking in $64,985 since he launched his campaign. Lee, on the other hand, has raised $56,315 total.

In the most recent period, Lee reported 40 donors to her campaign, including six $1,000 donations from organizations including Committee to Protect Florida PC, Universal Land Acquisition, LLC and Big 3 Entertainment LLC, as well as from real estate professionals like Lester Porter and William Edwards.

Lee also reported a donation from a trust affiliated with Rep. Linda Chaney, a Pinellas County Republican.

Lee spent $9,483 this past reporting period, with over $7,600 going to postage, and the remaining scattered among printing and processing fees.

Lee will enter the next reporting period with $13,241 cash on hand.

Gerdes saw 23 donors in his latest report, including seven $1,000 donations from three different realtor political committees and two local unions. Friends of Gina Driscoll, a political committee associated with the incumbent city council member, also donated $1,000.

Gerdes dished out $9,690 this period, spending about $8,000 on advertising and the remainder on processing fees and consulting services.

Gerdes will enter the next reporting period with $10,897 cash on hand.

The District 1 seat opened after City Council member Robert Blackmon resigned to run for Mayor.

Gerdes is currently polling ahead of Lee, with the survey showing 23.5% of respondents supporting Gerdes, who is the son of former City Council member Charlie Gerdes, while 20% back Lee. Still, 56% are still unsure.

Lee and Gerdes ended the Primary Election neck and neck, both taking 34% of the vote, leaving close polling data not much of a surprise in what was already expected to be a competitive race.