Accidental bump, or, was it, intentional?  The newest, scam, using SEXUAL harassment as a "claim" here!  Off of the Newspapers, translated…

Not only on the regular roads, there were the incidents of "bumping" on the MRT.  Based off of the statistical analyses of the Taipei Police Department and the MRT Police, in the past three years, there'd been an influx of reported cases of sexual harassment, obstruction of secret, taking the misplaced items, theft, and assault, the five crimes.  As a lot of women were being sexually harassed, they are, brave to point out, but there were those, who would, cause others around them to "accidentally bumping" into them, and then, ask for a sum to settle the cases.

The MRT police told, that there was a woman in her forties, riding in the MRT one evening, there was, almost, no other passengers, and as a male student got on, there were still, empty seats all around, but the student still insisted on sitting down next to her, then, he'd even, placed his hands onto her thigh, it'd, thrilled her to not known how to react, and can only, wait until the male student got off, and during the time, she'd took the photos of his placing his hand on her thighs down as evidence, and then, reported it to the police.

As the police took the case, they'd immediately reviewed over the surveillance, and found the male student to explain himself, "that young male student was shocked, and arrived at the station with his parents, not known when he'd, sexually, harassed someone."  The male student explained, that after his cram school session, he'd dozed off as he sat in the seats, not known, that his hands had, slid onto, Lee's lap, that he'd not intended the actions.

The MRT police stated, that normally, when similar cases surfaced, because the individual already caused discomfort for the victims, they'd normally advised the victims seek out payments to settle it with the perp, and normally, the individual would give the amount the victim has asked for, to show faith; and because this case was sent to the substation locally, and, based off of the investigations, the woman asked for $300,000N.T. to settle, "The male student was dumbfounded, had absolutely, NO clue that the cost of his dozing off on the trains would cause him $300,000N.

T.", and after the communications, the mediations, the sum was settled at $30,000N.T.

The MRT police stat4ed, that now, women are more aware of the rights of their own bodies, a lot of women when sexually harassed, they would come out and identify the perpetrators, but there were a lot of women who'd reported on sexual harassment, but the police found, that it was only when the trains were moving, and the man next to the woman, accidentally, touched her, or that in the rush hours, they'd, bumped into each other's bodies, and the individual told of how she was harassed, and demanded that the individuals to pay for emotional distress. 

The MRT police told, tat there were members of the public who'd, used these "MRT bumpings" as their livelihood, and would get on the trains whenever they can, to create the instances of being bumped into, and took the photos, then, demand the victims of these scams anywhere from $800 to $1,000N.T.s, but, because the interpretations are different with everybody so, it's hard to tell, if the act was, experienced as an accidental bump or intentional. 

And so, this just showed, how personal space is, too important, especially when you're in a crowded place, bumping into someone is, unavoided, and, you need to make sure that you apologize to someone if you'd bumped into her/him, but don't use it as an excuse to sexually molest someone else, thinking that you won't get caught, because you will, and once you're caught you will be made to pay, a huge price!

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