A government that split up the masses, instead of helping the masses, work together, for the common, good!  Commentary, observations, from the Front Page Sections, translated…

The five major opportunities of not wearing the masks to protect ourselves is almost arrived, and yet, the Delta strain also, made its way, into the country too.  The uncertainties of our futures now, affirmed, and we can't, get back to the way things were, and so, the government can only, work the "post-vaccination norm" to the general, public, encouraging us, to face up to this brand new, reality, to adapt ourselves.  But, this process of repair, not only needs to focus on the economics, but the psychological aspects also.  The trends are now showing, that the mud and the muck had, been accumulating up, and it'd, congested our means of communicating with one another, causing the virus of words to start taking over, started, taking over the gentle kindness, the society that was, once, reliant, on goodwill of each other.

A lot of people can clearly feel, that as the virus made its way in, our patience had been, reduced to a minimal, the officials stated more clearly, that the keynote press conferences, the commander of the C.D.C. acted, impatiently to the questions asked of him that he'd not wanted to answer to, that he'd either, used sarcastic remarks, or, brushed the press off; and the press reporters are the ones, under fire of the general public.  A few days, the words were, classic, as the eight major industries are about to, open for business again conditionally, the press asked, how would the "escorts" behave to usher in the "clients", the commander Chen told, "the police would know if something's going on with one sniff", and it'd, made the entry level workers pissed, and, Chen's careless words, once again, hit another, landmine.

Nobody would believe, that the commander is, ill at, communications; this is a matter of, attitude, not a matter of capabilities, and the words he'd blurted out showed, that he could, care, less of others' feelings.  He'd reminded us, to keep ourselves in check, to protect ourselves from contractions, but he'd, become, totally, ignorant, of how he'd, broken the trust, how he'd, used, that demeaning tone, that viral infection of his use of, language.

And the viral languages are, everywhere, especially, hidden in the spits of the public officials' lips under those, masks, finding the syntax errors, the blurring of the important issues at hand, rousing up the oppositions………all's gone, viral already.  Because it's too toxic, more and more people would rather, get far, far away from it all, to get themselves, at peace; who cares what kinds of a result you would want the public votes to get, this is the era of, democracy, your insistence, doesn't mean, that I have to, go along with what you say.  And, soon as that door of communication slams, nobody benefited.

The language virus needed the rational debates, the understanding of the goodwill that's behind the words, the patience, as the vaccines.  The icons, the signals, the cusses, it wouldn't, make Taiwan more, powerful.  The society that refused to admit it's wrong, and refused to communicate will, fall, ill; nobody can imagine, that the kind reminder of a super convenience store clerk for the customers to mask up, gained the ferocious, nearly, deadly physical assault; the hands that tap away on the keyboards, used the new technologies, to hurt someone else

What's worrisome, is that all of these viruses that turned the psychological wellbeing of the society ill, does anymore care?  And will this, turn into, a "trend" of the post-pandemic, era too?

The positive energies are clearly, declining here in Taiwan.  There's a need for much, much more kindness and good will, that offers a role model for al, to help people find the faith back again.  During the fight against the spread of MERS-CoV, people followed the rules set forth by the government, this was a rarity in the entire world, with the people, masking up when they're told, and, when we're allow to not wear the masks, then, we don't, wear them, this is, the high quality of the citizens' own self-control, and our trust in the government.  Those in power, DO cherish this, other than keeping the thought of fighting over the offices in mind, DO consider, how you can, give us, ordinary people, the voters, more protection.

More pressingly, we need the entire community to work together, to find that gentleness, that empathy, the faith, and goodwill back.  This was once, the most, beautiful sight of Taiwan, and, this whirlwind, had caused us, to almost, lose it.  And now, it's reducing, and we'd needed to, call it back to life, with the means of advocating, education, to let this "Four Major Values" to return, back to the citizens' lives, then, we will have enough strengths, to continue on, overcoming these, obstacles, to keep going.

And so, this government works well, at, SPLITTING up the masses, by, dividing the public up, and, the heads of the government, despite the facts, STARING them AT the faces, still don't change, because this god damn government does NOT know how to, introspect, it just does whatever it will, at the expenses of, all of us, who live under its, ruling.  And the saddest part of all of this is: none of us can do anything about it!

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