Taiwan is still, that, SACRIFICEABLE P-A-W-N, in this war of China V.S. the U.S. and, the government still, failed to know it, wow, are we RUN by STUPID here or what???  (Don't answer that, it's still R-H-E-T-O-R-I-C here!!!), on how we are, led by, STUPID, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The People's Liberation of Army of China had been patrolling the aerial places of the Taiwanese border for four days consecutively, are they, threatening Taiwan?  The researcher of the Shanghai Fudan University Song stated, that in the past, only U.S. could play that hand called Taiwan, and now, China can too, U.S. used Taiwan to HIT China, China can do the same, using Taiwan, to HIT the U.S. as well.  The former assistant director of the Department of Defense, Lin said, that the Communist Chinese fighter planes verbally told that they're, invading Taiwan, but they'd not told, that this, was the, aerial defense practice run of American's Southern Seas drills.

Chinese fighter planes over aerial borders of Taiwan

"we're just, patrolling, OUR, borders!!!" Photo from online

Song pointed out, that this move is the gambling of the major nations, while Taiwan was only a "playing hand".  But, the hand that hold Taiwan, is no longer JUST the U.S., China too, can use Taiwan in this game of defense.  And now, both U.S. and China are using the combo punches, like the calls between Biden and Xi, changing the American diplomatic offices in Taiwan, occurring on the same day, and the release of Meng was also, on that day, Biden announced to the U.N. that U.S. is not going to engage in another Cold War with China again, but, came up with the AUKUS Pact with Australia; while China too, was using a combo, it knew well, that U.S. doesn't want to get in the war between Taiwan and China, and used the moves, to have America BACK away, that if U.S. dares to throw that first punch, China will be there to fight, and this was China, playing, the Taiwan card, as the fighter planes came over to patrol, would U.S. back off?

Lin believed, that there are, two reasons for China's patrolling the aerial borders of Taiwan, that openly it'd claimed that it was to fight Taiwan, but, the unspoken was its setting its foot down on American drills in the Southern China Seas.  But, Communist China stated that this was directed toward Taiwan, from the media to the official statements, it claimed that this was to prevent Taiwan from becoming independent, to allow it to have the effects to carry over, but this is a stupid move, it would make the younger generations here in Taiwan, feel more animosities toward China, and deepens the hatred.

The professor of Diplomacy Department of Poli-Sci University , Huang believed, that although the details suggested that the fighter planes from China was zoomed in at the drills of the Southern China Seas, but, as the planes take a short turn, fly for four, five minutes, then, they're, in the aerial border of Taiwanese air, and this can't be interpreted as purely, the fight between China and U.S., China is also, emphasizing how this was against Taiwanese independence.  Although, from all the political surveys, the hatred of Taiwanese toward China is now at an all-time high, but for Beijing, even if it'd upset the citizens of Taiwan, it would, suppress the calls of Taiwanese independence, despite its affects on how it would, upset the Taiwanese public.

"Taiwan observes 18 Chinese warplanes during U.S. envoy visit" from the WWW.

Huang reminded, that Taiwan can't be relieved, thinking that the planes patrolling the aerial borders are the fights between U.S. and China, the approaches of any Communist Chinese army aircrafts over Taiwanese aerial border, can easily cause the bullets to fly, especially, under the conditions of how both distrusted each other, and there's, low transparency of military matters, it causes more concerns and worries.

And, the Taiwanese government still doesn't have a CLUE, we are now, officially, nothing MORE, than a CHIP in the game of America vs. China, and, we are, that stupid, pawn that either side can do without, but hey, we're still, sucking UP to the U.S., and this officially makes Taiwan into, EVERYBODY's B-I-T-C-H, and "WE" (collectively speaking, again!) the people, got ZERO clue!  Wow, are you, dumb or, are we, D-U-M-B here???

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