It was a superb day. I woke up late then I read some good amount of pages from "Start With Why" and after writing this, I am going to continue reading it. Also went to my sister's place today and had a great fun time with my nephew. Kids are awesome. Then while coming back to home I actually talked to a lady(stranger) and converse a bit about carrier. It feels great break ice and see how you can come out of your comfort zone.

I feeling really proud about myself because finally I started a journey of communicating with strangers and learn from them and network with them. It is great to learn from strange people and polish your communication skills.

Throughout my reading and learning process I got to know that you need to be a good communicator to achieve great in life. The process of communicating does not stop at being able to talk to people, it actually start from there. From there it goes to establishing your point without offending other person, convincing people, expressing your thought, and so much more.

Communication is really important and I am just happy that I have finally started this journey of communicating people and I think I should not stop and continue it. Let's see who else I find to converse next.

So today's learning: "Communication is a tool you can't afford to ignore."

Have a Great Day

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