Every single day I am waking up taking bath and then checking mails while having my breakfast and then directly jumping into my office work. Completing my office work and then try and complete my office work and then doing some workout and then watching some series with my family and having dinner and then writing this blog and then reading some pages from book. I don't know why I am feeling like I am stucked in a loop. Some days back I actually talked about the same thing but honestly I am unable manage time for something that really makes me happy. Honestly currently I don't even know what are the things that makes me happy.

We all are somewhere got stucked in a loop. We are just doing what we are suppose to do but we are not doing anything fulfilling. Although some of the experiences in a day are very liberating and happy and all sort of thing but there is this emotion of lack of fulfilment that overpower these experience and make us feel stucked.

I am just writing this blog to document my emotion and to let go it and let is pass by so that I can lose hold of it.

No worries some days are bad and some are good and fulfilling, we will find those fulfilling days and enjoy our life.

So today's learning: "Life without being alive is suffering."

Have a Great Day

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