Today was pretty amazing day. Tasks got completed and issues were solved and overall productivity was also high. Tomorrow is a big day, because for the first time I am going to take interview. Before this I have never taken any interview, I have only given interview. I really don't know what I am going to ask tomorrow but I am sure that it is going to be pretty exciting. Finally the stage where I am going to be the one who decide, if a candidate fits or not.

After writing this blog I am just going to prepare some questions that I will be asking to the candidate and then I am going to be studying some of the topics so that I won't be blind while asking questions. I am just hoping it all go well (as planned).

Tomorrow I am also going to be preparing for my next "Best Lines" blog. I do have created it, but it needs some polishing and I will be doing that tomorrow, after the interview. And then I will be doing some reading. That's the plan for tomorrow, hope the interview part goes well.

So today's learning: "Everyday comes with it's own challenges, just accept them and beat them to grow."

Have a Great Day

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