My daughter mentioned that she leaves her favorite stuff on her plate for last. She ends with what she loves. At Thanksgiving, my step-dad mentions that he eats what he likes the most first. I found it interesting... they both had an empty plate at the end of their meal. Does it really matter? She is going to end the most pleased and he is going to be looking forward to the next meal. But what if they couldn't finish their plates....

My MIL and I both paint our own spaces... very "Do it yourself" type of women. I walked into a space she was painting it was mostly done except the trim. She explained that it relaxes her and is nice to have that part done as a complete job. Rewind two weeks previous when I had done all the cut-in for my bathroom but still had the main walls to do. For me the trim is the most work yet relaxing but I love to paint the walls after as a full completed job. We are both precise with some minor mistakes (we are human)... over all when looking at the completed work, you would not be able to tell the difference what was done first or last.

We are individually satisfied by our own process and as long as we complete the task at hand, the process should be as individual as we are.

There are some circumstances where time may play a factor. If equipment needs to rented, then timeliness is of importance. Or in the process of painting, I had a wall unit to move so I needed the wall complete before moving to the next space. There are exceptions in nearly every circumstance, but overall do you and if it makes sense to modify... try it. If someone else is "doing it wrong", just observe without judgement. Let's learn from one another instead of picking apart their every move. Maybe, just maybe, we will find a new way of doing things.