And, if you ask me, but hey, who ASKED Y-O-U!!!  Exactly, what this HORN dog got was still, way too, light, he should've gotten at least, a whole DECADE in prison and get chemically or physically, CASTRATED too, and yet, these teenage girls are still, way too, god damn, @#$%ING, E-A-S-Y these days, aren't they???  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The adult male, Hsu from Taoyuan, especially selected the adolescent girls as his targets, and chatted with them online, he had two prior records of guilty charges with underage minors, but he'd not, changed his ways, still set the baits on FB, met a thirteen-year-old adolescent female, and, within ten days of knowing one another, he'd, gotten her to have sexual intercourse with him; the courts believed that he'd committed these crimes for the second time by the same methods, although, he'd asked her for permissions to have sex, it'd still caused her psychological, and mental traumas, that there is a need, to enforce a harsher punishment on him, found him guilty of obstruction of sexual freedom, and sentenced him to three years two months, and this can still be appealed.

The investigators found, that on April 17th of last year, Hsu met the adolescent female on FB, knowing that she was not yet fourteen, that she wasn't mature enough psychologically, less than ten days after they met, he'd asked her out, then, took her home, and, gone against her will, had sexual intercourse with her.  Later, as the adolescent's parents found that she'd been having continual conversations with a stranger, they'd pressed her, and she'd told them, that she has a boyfriend, and that they'd been, having sex together.  As her mother went to the police, the whole case was busted, wide open.

During his trial, Hsu admitted openly to what he'd done, which matched the adolescent girl's statements, and there were the records of their conversations on FB, and the rape kit result proved that the adolescent had had sexual intercourse.  The courts found that back in 2013, Hsu had sex with her the first time, he was sentenced to a year eight months, with three years' probation, and back in 2016, he'd, had sex again, with an underage minor, and got sentenced to ten month, with no probationary terms for the second time.

The courts believed, that in the past, Hsu had multiple records of having sex with minors under fourteen, and had consensual sex with adolescent females from ages fourteen to sixteen, and this time, he'd still done it, which clearly showed, that he was a repeated offender, that there would be a need, for a severe sentence this time.

Hsu's defense attorney argued that he and the adolescent were dating, that he'd not had sex with her that many times, and admitted to the adolescent's mother, and begged for forgiveness, that he'd, qualified for the reduction of sentence based off of the mercy clause.

The courts found, that Hsu knew that the adolescents hadn't developed fully mentally yet, and still used FB to hook them, and he'd done it twice, using the exact same methods, that it wouldn't qualify for the mercy clause of the sentencing, didn't give him a lighter sentence.

The courts considered, that Hsu had committed obstruction against sexual freedom TWICE, and still didn't turn around, knowing well the impacts of the traumas on underage minors, but for the sake of his own personal satisfaction, he'd still had sex with the adolescent girls.  Although he'd not gone against her will, but it'd caused the mental distress, the personality formation problems in the teenager, that there's a need for him to receive a harsh punishment, still charged him on counts of having sexual intercourse with underage minors, sentenced him to three years two months.

And no, this still was NOT his first time, and as he'd gotten out on probation due to "good behaviors" (as who wouldn't behave her/himself in lock up!), he would be out, in no more than a year's time, and guess what?  He's going to, FISH, and HOOK them young and DUMB, unsuspecting, teens again, and so, by giving this PREDATOR this light a sentence, you're ensuring, that he is bound to, offend again!  And there's NOTHING we can do 'bout that, as the verdict's, final here!

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