Hellooo, Lay your head back, relax your beautiful mind, and enjoy this ride. Get yourself some [Clearing music going , find something to be happy at And let that ^happening^ Spirit move through you. Because what I believe is that *they forgot to tell you … "You can find happiness. -Within. Yourself, my love!" So […]

Ever been frustrated because you didn't Understand?

Yes. I have; and the doing of what you can when comprehending goes to extents of two factors: intentionally with focus and unintentionally with confusion or misunderstanding. Like having to reread the sentence I just wrote for clarity. I am trying to comprehend, but I am getting confused. So, the question then becomes is there a difference between listening and hearing? What is the difference between what is said and what is heard or understood?

My listening skills have a history of being complex. It was (and sometimes can be) layered from layers and layers of cement and brick due to overthinking, overanalyzing, over processing. . . just over. Over as in too much.

In a conversation with My Ryda, we spoke about the truth of love. Love not represented in romance movies and r&b songs, but love that is work. Work: the reality old habits need to be removed. . . a bulldozer may leave scraps behind; therefore, brick by cemented brick must be expelled intentionally. Reminder: intentionally is with focus.

Yah, self, spouse, child, family, friends, folks, ideas are vessels, exchanges and foundations of love.

Personally, illusions were mistaken for allusions which brought real and visible boundaries of bricks.

Talk about frustrating... ya understand?

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