We the people got those, feeding tubes, FED down our throats, with the government, force-feeding those lies down into our, stomachs here…

Feeding us lies, and, there's no way, any of us, can, puke it back out, because, they would, make us eat up all our puke too!  Feeding us lies, the government's done that, since the start of its term, since the DDP became the party in power here, and, it'd still not, taken the responsibilities, for giving we the people exactly WHAT we desperately needed: where the @#$% is our vaccines???  (the wolves are coming, stated the government who'd cried "wolf"!)

Feeding us lies, and they still, expect us, to be, ever so grateful, for their abuse of us, of giving us the "free cash" vouchers (the money came from we the taxpayers???  And there were those, who were actually, RETARDED enough to believe, that it's FREE CASH!!!), instead of upping its vaccine buying power, so everybody CAN have her/his second dose, and it'd still NOT allowed the mixing of the vaccines, despite how foreign medical journals showed that mixing of the vaccines are, more effective against the mutated delta strain.

lies, lies, lies, and actions that don't comply with, "with the people's best interests" in mind...

comic found online

And, there's, the not-having enough energy, the blackout that occurred "by accident", because an unknown employee pressed that WRONG button at the electricity plant of Taipower.  Oh, and how 'bout the system of upload that "accidentally" went "off-line", that got FRIED, and out goes, a whole lot of the already uploaded learning process files, and because kids today don't got NO (and your point being???) sense to BACK up their work, they all got, SCREWED on the process of submitting the info packets for their college admissions.

And the list still goes on, on, on and on, to INFINITY & BEYOND (as in the words of Mr. B. Lightyear???)…and we the people are still, DEAD in that COMATOSE, not yet waking up!

You've got to be SHITTING me here!

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