Last Call — A prime-time read of what's going down in Florida politics.

Ed. Note — Sunburn will be taking tomorrow off as Michelle Todd Schorsch recovers from what should be the final surgery in her long ordeal. All of us at Florida Politics wish her and Peter the best and pray for a complete recovery. We're pulling for you! The morning read of what's HOT in Florida politics will return to inboxes on Monday. Thanks again for your support. Have a good weekend, and please, stay safe.


First Shot

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday said he will challenge President Joe Biden's employer vaccine mandate in federal court.

During a news conference, the Governor cast the mandates as disrespectful to workers who clocked in at the height of the pandemic. He said he found it offensive to force them out of their jobs if they refuse the vaccine.

He said the state will file its challenge in the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The announcement comes in the wake of an order from the Biden administration requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to make vaccination a condition of employment. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is charged with enforcing the order.

DeSantis has criticized the mandate since it was first announced in September. He has lashed out at municipal governments that have sought to impose similar mandates on their employees — earlier this week, the state Department of Health levied a $ $ $3.57 million fine against Leon County for its mandate.

Other local governments, such as the City of Gainesville, caved after DeSantis' threat of a $5,000 fine for each violation.

The Governor also said vaccine mandates have the potential to worsen the staffing crisis at hospitals.

"The fact of the matter in medical, with nurses, if even a fraction of them decide that this is not something they want to do and leave, this will cause a lot of these health systems to hemorrhage," DeSantis said.

Evening Reads

"Hold your bets: Sports wagering is legal in Florida on Friday, but Seminole Tribe isn't ready yet" via Gray Rohrer of the Orlando Sentinel

"Officials outline $25 million plan for new gaming regulation agency" via Renzo Downey of Florida Politics

"Charlie Crist says he'd legalize marijuana and expunge records as Governor" via Romy Ellenbogen of the Tampa Bay Times

"Ron DeSantis worries vaccine mandates could make hospitals 'hemorrhage' nurses" via A.G. Gancarski of Florida Politics

"Giant snails not too big a problem for Florida to solve — twice" via Craig Pittman of the Florida Phoenix

"We accidentally solved the flu. Now what?" via Jacob Stern of The Atlantic

"The shooter's wife: Noor Salman, wife of the Pulse nightclub gunman, is ready to speak" via Rhana Natour of Vice News

"He helped bring down a top Trump crony. Now he's driving for Uber" via Andy Kroll of Rolling Stone

"New election law adds new financial costs for some Florida counties" via Natalia Galicza of Fresh Take Florida

"'Hacker X' — the American who built a pro-Donald Trump fake news empire — unmasks himself" via Ax Sharma of Ars Technica

"When removing a statue actually is antidemocratic" via Jen Kirby of Vox

"Lucy in the sky: Spacecraft will visit record 8 asteroids" via Marcia Dunn of The Associated Press

Quote of the Day

"I am offended that, like, a police officer could potentially lose their job. They were not given the ability to work from home. They didn't get to Zoom in to protect us. Ain't gonna work to protect the public on Zoom." — Gov. Ron DeSantis, opposing first responder vaccine mandates.

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