My sister and I weren't close growing up. The oldest of seven, Barbara was bookish, while I, the second oldest, couldn't sit still — always playing hopscotch and tag outside our Bronx apartment. When Barbara left for Bennington College, the elder-sibling responsibilities fell on me. To escape, I started visiting her in Vermont. Suddenly in a less diverse environment, Barbara missed me. Thus began our very intimate relationship that spanned 50 years. Cancer took her last April. One thing we loved to do together was walk. Now when I take my daily walk, I feel her presence. — Beverly Abercrombie

Best cities to explore on foot - Saga

Positively Purging-I welcome your feedbacks in the comments and your likes and passing the real life wisdom on to others as I embark on this new venture of "positively purging", as I know each of these pieces represents something