
If you've been following me for awhile then you know I don't change my makeup colors like other bloggers. When I find colors and/or products that I stick with them until they're discontinued or they're no longer working for me.

Now lipstick on the other hand I change up quite a bit! I typically have a lipstick / lipgloss combination that I wear for the season and I almost always will get a separate color combination if we're going to a party or an event to go with my outfit.

My two favorite lip liners are by M.A.C. and they are spice and cork.

So something that I've never admitted to you guys is that I grew up doing beauty pageants. When I say beauty pageants I don't mean scholarship pageants I mean like Toddlers in Tiaras beauty pageants. I started competing when I was six years old and didn't quit until I was nineteen. The reason I'm bringing this up now is because that's where I learned about makeup and what colors look good on my skin tone.

I love a berry lip on a red head. The M.A.C spice liner is a beautiful pinkish nude that compliments every color I've ever put it with. I don't do fillers in my lips because I feel like I get the definition from a lip pencil. The Chanel lipgloss is beautiful on and really doesn't come out gold at all. It just adds a nice shimmer. I love Chanel's gloss because it's not sticky!

When I add lipgloss I only put it on my bottom lip, lightly touch your top lip to your bottom lip, then add one more coat to your bottom lip. I learned this trick from my pageant coaches. I don't know why but it comes out perfectly without looking like you're trying to hard. Which I think lipgloss can sometimes do.

MAC Lip Pencil (spice and cork)
L'Oreal Blushing Berry
Chanel Gloss 774

What's your favorite fall color combination?


I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave them in the comments section below.

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