A heart of gold, of kindness, that's quite, gentle, is what this young lad still have to this, very day, it's truly, rare!  Translated…

My son turned twenty this year, he's good looking, tall and handsome, but in his coming of age, the two of us, mother and son, had, more than our shares of, trials.

the heart of gold of this young child...

sculpture found online

He'd been active, with a very soft heart, and, there were, the interesting things that happened with him from when he was a very young child.  In his first grade year, one time as I'd picked him up from school, halfway home, he'd asked me to park the car, I'd parked by the side, he'd hugged his backpack tight, leapt out, I'd quickly followed behind him.  He held that serious face, with a light frown, told me, "mom, I have, so many, presents for you!", before I could react, he'd, lifted open his backpack, and, so many grasshoppers came out!  He then flew into a panic, and, tried to grab them all and put them back into his backpack, in the sunset, the sight of a young child, chasing after the grasshoppers, is such a moving scene, I couldn't help but laughed, and he'd, burst out laughing too.

Once, in a carnival hosted by his school, I'd given him a hundred dollars, he'd happily, mingled into the crowd, and vanished.  A little over two hours later, he'd come back, handed me six hundred dollars, I was shocked and asked him where he got the money from?  He'd told me that he saw someone, selling a huge stack of Yu-Gi-Oh cards, for a hundred dollars, after he bought it, everybody wanted some, so he'd only, kept a few, and, given them to his best friends, the rest, he'd sold for ten dollars apiece to others; he'd made some cash, and went back to the man, bought another stack; and started, selling them for twenty dollars apiece to the children passing by.  I was too shocked!  Is this, from the retail thought systems?  Could I have, birthed out, a young Buffett?

There was one more time, we'd gone to Yilan to visit, outside the B&B, there was a pond owned by the place, for the visitors to fish, we'd borrowed the fishing poles, and started our very first fishing try, we'd waited for a long, long time, the rod started moving, and, we both, had fish biting at the same time, as I'd pulled mine up, in his younger sister's screams, he'd, pulled up his, very first, catch too.  He was ecstatic, as I was trying to unhook my fish, I'd heard his screams of ecstasy turn into wailing, he'd cried out loud, "ouch!  Ouch!  It's bleeding!", I'd turned to look at him, he was crying like crazy, and I suddenly understood it, quickly, I'd, unhooked his fish, and, released it back to the pond, then, he'd slowly, calmed back down.  In the night, watching him sleep, I'd thought, how soft this child's heart must be, reminding us, of that gentleness we'd, already, forgotten that existed.

Into middle school, the heavy course load came down on him, he couldn't fight it, and found his escape in the cell phone games, and, built up that tall wall to block us all away.  In a heated argument, I grabbed his phone from him, and he'd run out of the house, left, "I'm so unlucky!  Being born into this sort of a family!"  in the middle of the nights, I ran out after him, started crying, he'd heard me calling him, he'd, stopped, turned around, and, it's still, his soft heart that's, saved this family, from crumbling down.

After high school, life became more colorful for him, in the school play, he'd gotten that male lead part.  After long rehearsals, finally came the day he was going to perform, I sat in the audience, watched him radiating onstage, I was, so proud of him.

and he'd, grown up..

into a well-adapted, kind young man...photo from online

Looking back, all the way, he'd stumbled, bumped around, with the big and small injuries, but, he always, wears that smile like the warm sunshine on his face.

And so, it's this kid's nature, how soft a heart he has when he was younger, and, he'd, grown up, with his, soft heart still intact, with is, quite rare, because, normally, people lose that heart of gold, as they age, because of what they'd, been through, but this young man, still kept his heart of gold.

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