It's that time of year again.

The time when I decide whether or not to join NANOWRIMO.

And like the last three years, I'm in.

This year though I'm starting something completely new! Which is exciting and terrifying.

If you follow me, you know that the last three years I've worked on my series: The Magical Realms Series. (Third book will be out soon!)

But my next project is not a part of that world.

I'm excited to be working on something completely new, but it's also a lot of work to world build.

This time I'm using a different process than last time. I'm actually planning a little bit before I just jump in. In the past, for NANOWRIMO at least, I've been what is called a panster. Meaning, that I don't really plan and I write the story by the seat of my pants.

This year I'm trying for a combo of pantser / planner. I'm planning characters, some of the bigger plot points, and I even made a map of the world.

I'm looking forward to Monday and this year's NANOWRIMO!

Happy reading and writing today and everyday!

I'm using part of this book to plan.