As I woke up this morning, well before my actual sound alarm and light alarm, I laid wide awake thinking of the upcoming day. This is where I find my mind can begin to race, this is where the fears and worries can so easily creep in.

Admittedly I began my day on Instagram. This is something I am consciously working through as this is NOT where I want my attention to go first thing. Ive found this simple shift alone can remove alot of those fears and worries - that honestly could simply be triggered by social media and not necessarily something of doom and gloom on there. Im sure you have heard or seen the studies, recently one came out about teen girls using Instagram and Facebook has even been mentioned. These sites are SO addictive, the continuous scroll that I can admit throughout the past year when our life had some significant shifts, I caught myself scrolling a lot!

Recognize this and forgive yourself, no sense in feeling shame towards how you have already spent your time.

I felt my morning had a beautiful shift. I showered and then was conscious in my routine, applying my Balance blend on the base of my spine, also on my neck, inhaling and then rubbing on my arms.

Made half the size of oatmeal as what we had yesterday, felt much more in alignment to have 1/2 cup of oatmeal with our tea/coffee. Listened to my root meditation, journaled and even got to listen to some other inspiring words. The diffuser blend I started in our kitchen was Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint.

Lavender - Oil of Communication & Calm
Lemon - Oil of Focus
Peppermint - Oil of a Buoyant Heart

I love this blend together in the diffuser, it instantly clears the air ways - this combo is incredible for seasonal discomforts... considering I have some food and environmental allergies/sensitivities I enjoy starting my day with this!

The blend I was intuitively guided to was Holiday Peace (a blend of Siberian Fir, Grapefruit, Douglas Fir, Himalayan Fir, Frankincense and Vetiver) and Adaptiv (a blend of Wild Orange, Lavender, Copaiba, Spearmint, Magnolia, Rosemary, Neroli and Sweetgum). Smells incredible and amazingly grounding.

Holiday Peace - The Oil of Contemplation
Adaptiv - The Oil of Adaptability

Moon Omens Message to self:

"The Universe is supporting,

protecting and loving me. It is

always working in my favor,

and for my highest good.

I'm guided, loved, and safe."

~ Lukas Notes

An early start to the day, has me ready for bed shortly. I am really appreciating how present I am being. Staying in the moment and not thinking behind or too far ahead. Makes such a difference in ALL tasks!

For lunch, I had a craving for a hearty bowl. We got home, and without even looking at the time I just started in the kitchen. Chopped up a mediun sweet potato, some onion, ground beef, red pepper, broccoli cooked up and then some feta cheese, green onion, avacado and my Chipotle on top! SO yummy! The perfect meal on a dreary, damp day! I even have left overs for a morning snack! This meal, cooked in a frying pan took me less than 30 min! ๐Ÿ™Œ By not focusing on the time, as I have previously done the opposite in the past, I legit got more accomplished!

This evenings intuitively diffuser blend! It is GOOD!!! Petigrain, Wild Orange, Roman Chamomile and Hinoki. Ancestry, Abundance, Spiritual Purpose, Natural Harmony.

This is quite possibly one of the best! Even if it were just for the smell, it's incredible, the emotional properties of these oils are in true alignment of the shift happening in the world! ๐Ÿ˜

Meditate, Journal and then bed! I am enjoying sharing more of my journey. The shift I am feeling is truly inspiring. ๐Ÿ™ I am truly enjoying the meditations that are included in this program. Insightful and reflective ๐Ÿ’ซ