Some of the young ones you see running from home, it's because they want to experience small challenge as home is offering them too much blanket.
I enjoy cooking though my folks would find that hard to believe, that's because they think cooking is amala with ewedu and I think it's pasta with mushroom,. chicken and veggies 😆😆
But that's not the point, I grew up literally wondering when I would be allowed to do chores all by myself.
It never happened till I stopped living at home.
At home, there was always someone to do it and I was the thinnest so I was never an option for any chores even when I offered or my mum assigned me, someone would hijack the task.
So you can imagine how exciting boarding house was, though I still hate doing laundry and cleaning the toilet.
Wanting to be Independent is not always because we are suffering: but we want to experiment our own ideas and see the results.
If your spouse is like me, trying to cage him or her could be your undoing. She thinks she has outgrown been babies, she has left the 'family canopy', proved herself and now found someone she can actually grow her thoughts and dreams with only for you to go and start forming 'canopy', it's the horrors all over again.
If we built a life around avoiding been under our parent shadows, and work hard to establish our independence in our career and social network what makes anyone think, it would be great to reverse all that by been too controlling or silencing our thoughts is beyond me
Anyway, my messages this morning is if you are married or in a relationship, you might want to make sure you are not the new shadow in your partner's life or maybe you are the one who just got under another shadow hoping he or she would get it with time.

Realize that it's going one hell of an unhappy mission and either discuss or break it up before you get too deep
Have a nice weekend

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