If there's one thing I love to talk about, it's all things spiritual! Ghosts, past lives, the afterlife, tarot, premonitions… need I go on? So, I thought I would begin a series of spiritual blogs here on my website! I am never going to move away from talking about my life and mental health, but spirituality is also a big part of my life, so I only seems fair to dedicate a bit of space over here to that, right?

Spirituality is something that's came to me with time. As I've grown older, I've only became more spiritual and it is something that takes up a lot of my mind, a lot of the time.

So, where did it all begin?

It all began with ghosts! A bit of a strange one, ghosts, isn't it? I'm a very big believer in ghosts and the afterlife, but I'm also a pretty big sceptic. I think to think there's a logical explanation behind a lot of things, ghost-wise anyway, but it's the moments that have no explanation that interest me.

When I was young, I lived in a village that was built to house ironstone minors in the late 1800's/early 1900's (History has never been my strong point, but I'm pretty sure it was around that time) The village was idyllic; from the front window there was a view of allotments, a field that sometimes had sheep in, stables and horses and beyond that there was the woods. From the back window there were more fields, and in the distance, you could even see the sea! It was amazing, apart from the cold and the terrible winters anyway.

Living in an old house meant unexplainable things often happened, which went on to cement my belief in spirits living among us. Nothing ever scared me living there (Apart from one situation I'll get to later) it was all more of a head scratch moment you witness, fail to understand and move on. I think due to horror films we expect ghosts to be aggressive, push you around, drag you up the stairs backwards and other such terrifying things; but I always found they're just living their lives (Or living their afterlives) just like you and I.

I remember one moment in particular, I was sat at my dressing table getting ready for the day, and I looked to my door in time to see the dressing gown that hung from the corner of my door moved, as if something brushed past it on the way in. Of course, no one was there, and although it was a pretty draughty house – it didn't move in a way a breeze would move a piece of fabric, and it never happened again, despite my dressing gown always being hung in the same position.

Another night I remember watching an orb dance around a box on my bedroom floor; I'll never forget how it moved; it was almost fluid in the air. It gave off its own light and vanished like turning out a light by a dimmer switch. At the time I told myself it was probably light from a car passing by, but it never happened again – another headscratcher to add to the collection.

My most alarming experience in that house was when I one day woke up to find woman sat at my desk! I know most people won't believe me, and that's okay – I wouldn't have believed it had I not seen it myself! I sat up in my bunkbed, ready to go downstairs for breakfast, and looked across my room to my desk to see someone sat on the chair. It was a female, and she looked real. I couldn't see through her, I couldn't see her features, but I could see her long, straight, hair, down past her shoulders.

I quickly laid backdown in bed in a panic, wondering how I was to get out of bed – I closed my eyes, shuffled down to the bottom of the bed, and jumped from my top bunk and ran downstairs. I never told anyone downstairs about what I had saw until many years later; I felt embarrassed, I obviously must have been mistaken? When I went back upstairs no one was there, no shadow that I could have mistaken for a woman either, just an empty seat at a messy desk.

Even some twenty years later I refuse to have a seat of any kind in my bedroom for this reason, it still frightens me.

Having experienced these things at such a young age and spending a lot of time wondering about the afterlife, and what ghosts may or may not be living in my childhood home, only lead me to wonder, what else is there and what does it mean to me?