Trying to work HIS way around, the ineffectiveness of the government-sponsored, vaccines of Medigenvac, killing the people who were, STUPID (b/c they were!) enough, to get vaccinated with it, and, woe is us, for getting SHOT, for absolutely, NOTHING!!! Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

Eight more new cases of MERS-CoV came in from out of country yesterday, no local cases, no deaths.  As for those who'd gotten vaccinated with Medigenvac vaccines, with the needs to go abroad, are allowed to get alternative vaccines, this was said to be "double-standards" by the government, the head of Department of Sanitation Welfares, Chen reiterated, that after discussing with the experts, this was, the necessary evil.  And, the only country that accepts the vaccines from Medigenvac had been reduced to only New Zealand, Palau, Indonesia, and Belize, only four more countries, Chen stated, at first, Israel and Argentina validated the vaccinations at first, but dropped it later, that he will push forth for approval of Medigenvac vaccines at the W.H.O., to get more countries to approve it as a valid vaccine.

The legislator, Lee of K.M.T. told, this is NOT opening for the "mixing of the vaccines", but "revaccinations", the one to two shots that the members of the public had received, were, for naught, "The scams of Medigenvac should get OFF stage now!", the Command Center bluntly stated, that they'd not done the related researches, of the effects of Medigenvac, mixing with another vaccine, and, what sort of a risk would be there, for the human systems after four doses, this is, an unforgivable, matter of trading lives for money.

these are the four brands, currently, approved, and verified internationally! And all others, produced by the other countries locally, aren' from online

The People's Party legislator, Chang told, that the vaccinations are a problem of reality of the world, that the DDP can't just go by the patriotic feelings of the country, if Medigenvac vaccines can't be approved internationally, nor is it certified by the rest of the world, then, the government should NOT keep on, advocating it.  The Times Power legislator, Chen called out to amend the policies of vaccinations, to use the international standards.

During Chen's appearance at the grounds breaking ceremony of Health Industrial Park of Pingdong, he'd stated, that there's "no double-standards in mixing the vaccinations of Medigenvac with another brand", that the Department of Health Welfare & Sanitation is thinking on behalf of those who are in need of getting out of the country, that this was the only way after the discussions of the experts had been made.

Chen told, that from before, Israel and Argentine had allowed the vaccines of Medigenvac to get through, and now, the two countries wouldn't allow it, that the Department of Welfare & Sanitations will work harder, to get more international certifications, and believe that with the help of W.H.O., this is going to happen, very soon.

And so, these, labrats are still SCREWED, because they can't get out of the country, for whatever purpose, because the "homegrown" brand of vaccine that's made by this country is NOT accepted elsewhere, at least, NO in the other major world countries, and so, basically, those individuals who are all up for the Medigenvac vaccines, got SHOT for nothing, suit them right, for blindly, following the leadership of the DDP!

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