With the shortened service terms, everything IS, in theory only, NOT put into, practice, and naturally, the armed forces here, and, these younger generations of servicemen, are way too, weak too, the country wouldn't be "equipped enough" if CHINA was to attack us!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The news of a serviceman improperly disciplined came out of the Kinmen Department of Defense, afterwards, the serviceman called the department, and in the end, all nine of the executive officers in charge were all, reprimanded, and sent to be investigated.  After the incident with the serviceman, Hong, the "spirit of the armed services" is, completely, lost.  My good friend who's a leading officer in the armed services told, "if the populists are taking over, then, let's, mix in with the mud then!"

Toward these mamas' boys that came out of the declines of birthrates, the entry levels became harder and harder to train and to manage, and now, the services only asked, that that servicemen don't have any problems.  Problem being, the military camps are a training grounds for war and battle, not an arcade, nor is it, a campsite, the people there should be ready to go out on the battlefields when called to it.  Without the strict trainings, how will they survive in battle.

The tensions are building up quickly between Taiwan and China, and, nobody can guarantee that nothing will happen in the time being, and, the servicemen complained that they couldn't "stand the humiliations from the platoon leaders", and the higher up officials treated it , what powers does Taiwan have, against, the army of China?

This is what we have, defending our "gates" from Chinese invasion", these young men who think they're on VACATION in the services!  And it's still due to the lacking in discipline, and the generations are, getting worse and worse, and worse, and, with the service terms getting shortened by the years, there won't be any strengths in the armed services, if and when China invades us somewhere in the future, and we are, nothing more than, sitting ducks!

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