
Hannah intensely looks at her monitor and slightly changes the timeline with one click before tilting her head. Her left fingers move like waves on her white desk. She swaps two clips and checks her edit before tweaking it further.

>> I love that!
Works great with the previous one. <<

For the first time, Hannah was co-directing one of their video productions alongside Yongseok. Both shooting days were challenging, but working on Not Today was refreshingly new for her. Together with Hyunwoo, she is responsible for editing this BTS music video. 

Finally, she finished the first rough draft she can discuss with her colleague. But for now, Hannah locks her computer with a shortcut and gets up. You never know who might end up walking into your room. She looks up while slowly stretching. On her two white shelves, she has placed a few vinyl CDs, three framed pictures, a purple candle―which smells like blackberry―and her Monstera Monkey Leaf.

I think I've forgotten you guys."

She turns around and looks at her plants apologetically. Hannah's room doesn't resemble a jungle, but keeping a few selected plants alive is more complicated than she had expected. Thanks to her job, sometimes she isn't home for several days and easily forgets to water after returning.

>> What a pity…
They looked lovely. <<

Hannah walks to her bed, which is located to the left of the large window from which she can enjoy a breathtaking view over Seoul. On the wooden bedside table stands a transparent vase with sad-looking amaryllis. You could guess how it once looked, but its head already touches the glass surface. When she reaches for them, her eyes move to the photo collage above her bed. From different pictures, the happy faces of her roommates watch her, and she can't help but smile. Sure, BTS equals pure chaos, but Hannah can't deny that her life has become more colourful since she met them.

To be correct, this place isn't one apartment, but two located next to each other. Sihyuk Bang himself has searched for a new flat since BTS' growing popularity complicated protecting their privacy. This residential complex was exclusively built for idols and celebrities, providing enough security measurements for its tenants to feel safe.

Of course, the members' apartment is bigger in size than Hannah's, but she is happy about the possibility of retreat. When setting up her largest room, she chose furniture in light wooden tones and white colours for a brighter appearance. In addition to her desk and bed, she added a beige-coloured sofa next to the door, creating space for her roommates to rest or get comfortable while talking about all the world and his wife with her.

>> But first… coffee. <<

Holding the vase in one hand, she takes her empty cup from the small beech coffee table with the other one and turns around to walk out of her room. A tiny corridor separates her safe haven from her functional kitchen and bathroom. Most of the time, she cooks in the guys' larger kitchen. 

Hannah stops, looking to her left. At first glance, the two shoji doors―Japanese sliding doors made of a latticework wooden frame and covered with translucent white paper―promise a storage room to compromise the apartment's size.

>>It sounds like they are renovating their apartment.
What is going on over there? <<

Instead of containing several shelves, the right door leads to the magical land of Bangtan. Before moving in, her brother came up with this unique idea to let Hannah share a flat with the members without anyone noticing.  

She rolls her eyes hearing all the noise from the other side, and steps into her kitchen. It's small, but it provides a kitchenette with her most treasured device: the coffee machine. A table fitting up to four people is placed in the only free space left, below a metal world map. Several framed pictures are placed around it, thin black cords connecting each memory Hannah captured with a different part of the artwork.

As she pours her favourite coffee on the sip of milk in her cup, her thoughts drift away.

>> It was impressive seeing Jimin performing flawlessly in front of the camera.
Two days after being rushed to a doctor after fainting. <<

She checks her phone.

>> Almost lunchtime…
Should I check on him before talking to Hyunwoo?
I could cook something if Jin didn't have time yet. <<

Hannah crosses her arms.

>> Do we still have some Miso?
Japanese sounds ni― <<

Her head shoots up after hearing the sound from a muted impact.

>> Or… let's make sure Namjoon doesn't destroy anything expensive on Christmas Eve. <<

"What the fuck is going on h―"

When she enters the common room, her eyes widen and she needs to blink a few times to process the scene in front of her. Each roommate looks at her, frozen in the last movement he was about to make. Pine garlands, fairy lights and candles manage to give the spacious living room a cosy and festive feeling. In the corner next to the window front, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung are adding Christmas baubles and wooden ornaments to a half decorated pine tree. Hannah notices the crooked top and smiles.

>> Found the source for all the noise I've heard this morning. <<

A relaxing piano piece plays in the background while the room smells like cookies. She spots Yoongi and Seokjin preparing two geese on the kitchen counter. Jungkook is the first one to speak up.

Aren't you supposed to be… busy working on that video?"

Hannah bursts out laughing.

"Did you guys seriously think I would stay in my room all day worrying you might start renovating your apartment without informing us?"

She puts her arms on her hips and looks at each member for a brief moment.

"Or worse…
Anyone gets hurt by whatever you're doing here."

I've told you to leave the tree to us!"

"Without my help, you two would have never been able to carry it up."

"But look what you've done!!"

He points to the top of the tree before lowering his arm to gesture towards the star topper.

"How are we supposed to put it up on the top?"

"If we use enough tape, the branch should be steady enough…"


He turns towards Hannah with a big smile.

"Merry Christmas!!!"

"We planned to finish decorating and cooking before asking you to come over…"

"But you guys don't celebrate Christmas…"

She tilts her head.

"You've outdone yourself coming up with birthday presents for us this year."

"And we know how much you enjoyed celebrating Christmas with your mother when you were a child."

Being overwhelmed feeling grateful and loved by her friends, Hannah struggles to hold up the tears building up in her eyes. Taehyung walks to her and embraces her in a comforting hug.

"You don't have to hold back, Noona.
It's okay."

"Thank you… so much, guys!"

She gives up and closes her eyes. Tears are running down her cheeks.

"Mom would have loved it!
She enjoyed decorating our home so much every year.
Even when I grew older and started getting annoyed by it…"

Hannah smiles sadly and Jimin joins their hug, embracing both tightly.

"Glad you like it.
We researched to create the perfect Christmas Day."

"Rather like... you spent the last week researching in every free minute you had."

Jimin looks at him and puts one finger on his lips.

Don't spill my secret!"

Hannah steps back and smiles at Jimin.

"Thanks, everyone!
It looks beautiful and almost feels like being back in Europe."

She puts one arm around Jimin and gets close to his ear.

"You're the best, Jimin."

Within a second, his cheeks turn bright red, but she doesn't even notice it turning her head towards the kitchen.

"Let me help you guys!"

Three hours later, everyone sits around the festively decorated dining table, admiring the seemingly endless amount of delicious-looking food in front of them.

"Bon appétit!"

"That was our first time cooking geese the German way.
Thank you for helping us with the spices, Hannah."

"No need to thank me!
You guys have done most of the work and I only helped out a tiny bit."

"Why do you always belittle yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's one thing to be humble, but you tend to make yourself look bad, Hannah.
Do you think we don't notice that?"

I'm not as perfect as you try to make me look, Namjoon.
But everyone has flaws and makes mistakes."

"Because we all are human."

"Can I make a suggestion, guys?
As much as this feels like being in a typical Christmas movie…
How about…
We start eating and… after giving Hannah her presents, we can get all philosophical and deep again.
I'm hungry!"

"Good idea, Tae.
Let's eat before the food gets cold!"

They fill their plates with different dishes and praise the cooks after trying. For BTS, it is the first time celebrating Christmas. Still, they enjoy the relaxed atmosphere the decoration and peaceful music create. The following days will be busy with performances at different events, and this is the last chance for them to spend quality time together this year.

After finishing eating, everyone places a wrapped gift in front of the Christmas tree and sits down on the floor with a cup of hot chocolate.

"I feel so bad for not preparing anything for you guys…
And you didn't even receive a birthday gift yet, Tae."

She pouts.

"I'm already looking forward to seeing it.
I loved every single idea you had for the others."

"Today is your day, Hannah.
But anyway, being part of my life is the best present you could ever give me."

Yoongi raises his eyebrows.

"Cheesy as fuck… but you are not wrong, Mochi."

Everyone bursts out laughing.

"Whenever you guys decide on something as a group, I have no chance to change your minds.
With whose Christmas gift should I start?"

Namjoon and Yoongi look at each other.

"Our present!"

Yoongi nods, reaches out for a flat-looking gift and hands it to Hannah. She carefully removes the green wrapping paper to reveal a DIN A4 envelope.

"Did you guys change my contract and from now on, I will only get paid with daily meals?"

Yoongi shakes his head smiling.

"Open up!"

Hannah frees a piece of paper and narrows her eyes.

What does this mean?"

She continues reading and looks up.

"Welcome to the crew, Noona.
You have helped us creating songs since the beginning, even though it wasn't your job.
Yoongi and I agreed on letting you join our producer team."

As she wants to reply, Yoongi cuts her off.

"Of course, we have talked to your father.
Let me tell you…
I've never seen him that proud.
Knowing his daughter will create music alongside him."

"Recheck the envelope.
There is something else inside."

Hannah takes out the first sample for the upcoming album You Never Walk Alone and smiles.

"It looks… beautiful.
ARMYs will love it."

Jimin, who sits next to her, takes the CD to show her the booklet. 

"Pdogg… ADORA…

She looks to Yoongi and Namjoon.

"ADORA will be your producer name from now on.
Pdogg-nim came up with it."

"He did?
But what does it mean?
Something like… to adore in English?"

Adoro is Latin and means to honour, adore, worship or pay homage."

"Everyone agreed that would be a fitting name for you.
Since we adore your talent."

"Thank you for appreciating my work.
It means the world to me."

"Sometimes, you can take it easy being in the studio with us and your coworkers will take over some of your tasks."

"But... I love my work.
Brainstorming with my teammates, creating and filming videos, editing…"

"This is just another way to express yourself creatively.
Of course, you'll still be part of your team."

"I'm looking forward to working with you in the studio together with everyone.
No need to hide somewhere where nobody would see us."

Hannah gets up to hug both.

"Thank you!
That is such a unique Christmas present I never expected."

"Let's continue, shall we?"

He grabs a thin but long package and places it in front of Hannah. She sits down and opens his present, revealing an elegant looking cardboard box with three handwritten Japanese characters in the middle.

"No way!
You did not…!"

Her mouth stays slightly open as she gently removes the top and puts it on the floor. 

That's too expensive!"

Hannah takes out the Gyutou she was previously admiring at a store in Japan. Knives of the Kagekiyo line are hand-forged in the city of Sakai, Japan, by the most talented blacksmiths.

"A… kitchen knife?"

"That's not just any knife!!
You know… this one was one hundred percent handcrafted!"

She points at the blade.

"Look at this ultra-thin blade made out of blue steel.
Because of it, the knife is super light and the handle…
The Japanese lacquer and walnut look beautiful."

She carefully puts it back into the box.

"Oh, Seokjin!!
I have no idea how you managed to buy it on our trip."


They smile at each other and Jungkook shoves another flat present into Hannah's hands.

"Mine is next!!!"

"Alright, Kookie.
Let's see what you came up with…"

Her eyes land on a familiar-looking oil painting.

"That's my favourite piece by Kim Daechun."

"Mine too, but that's not all.
I've been talking with him, and he agreed on teaching us how to paint with oil."

Are you kidding me?
Like… a course?"


"I always wanted to try out painting with oil, but it looks so difficult."

"Soon, you have to call me the Korean Bob Ross!"

"No problem, Bob Jeon."

Jungkook laughs at her joke and Hannah takes a bigger wrapped box.

"This one is from…?"

"That's my present!"

The box includes three items: a vintage-looking Hufflepuff scarf, yellow-black striped socks and a matching sweater.

"I've got the same sweater!"

"That smells like… butterbeer and movie date nights!"

"Hell yeah!!
We will be busy with the SBS Award tomorrow, but on December 26th…"

He makes a funny face and Hannah can't help but laugh.


"Can I join you?"

"Depends on your present."

She grins at him.

"Just get rid of the paper and see for yourself."

He stands up and bows at everyone around him.

"Sorry guys, but I've prepared the best present ever."

"Wouldn't be too sure about that."

She smiles at them and checks Taehyung's present, which ends up being a fine art print of a photograph he has taken of…

"When did you take that one?
I didn't even notice…
Look, Jimin!"

Jimin leans over and his eyes widen.

"Couldn't help myself when I saw you feeding him.
The light was too perfect."

The others get closer to be able to see what they are talking about. The other day, Jimin tried to refuse food on their hotel's rooftop in Osaka, but Hannah didn't leave him a choice by picking one Takoyaki with her chopsticks and holding it in front of his mouth. Her persistent 'Say aah' caught him off guard and both laughed. Taehyung managed to capture this moment.

"I love it.
Thank you, Tae!
For sure, you've got an eye for composition, but tell me…
Why do I get a photo print of Jimin and myself for Christmas?
I would have expected a ridiculous selfie of us instead."

"And why don't I get one as well, buddy?
That's not fair!"

Hannah turns to Jimin and places the print in front of him.

"If you promise me to eat properly from now on…
It's all yours."

I'm hurt!
That's how much you treasure our friendship."

He covers his face with his hands and pretends to cry.

"Well done, Hannah.
I hope you came up with the most epic birthday present to make up for this."

I'm so sorry."

When her smile disappears, Taehyung jumps up screaming.


"For... your bad acting?"

He frowns.

Careful what you say, young lady.
Everyone praised my acting skills and soon you guys will see that, too.
But what I actually meant is…
You fell for my fake present."

"Fake… present?"

"Do you think I would only give you that picture?
No way!"

He grabs one box behind him and hands it to Hannah.

"Merry Christmas."

"A… RICOH camera?"

"You've told me about the one Lucas is using and I read a few online articles.
It's tiny but mighty.
You can take it with you wherever you go.
No need for your heavy Canon camera."

She embraces him in a long hug.

"That's so thoughtful of you, Tae!
Thank you.
I was considering buying a smaller camera, but…
You've read my mind."

She smiles at him.

"But guys…
These gifts are too expensive…"

"You've spent so much money on our present this year and you didn't allow us to pay you back in any way.
But what matters the most is the thought behind each present."

I teamed up with Yoongi on this one…"

"…and Namjoon paid half of the money for the knife."

"Now I feel a tiny bit better."

"Okay, guys…
We have saved the most legendary present for the grand final…
My gift."

He leans forward to grab the last remaining box in front of the Christmas tree. It's almost as big as Hoseok's present, but Jimin wrapped it delicately in craft paper, which a perfectly placed jute cord holds together. As decoration, he chose a pine branch, candy cane and pine cone.

"It's almost too pretty to unwrap."

Jimin grins at her and gestures with one head movement to finally unpack. His victory is within reach.

"Okay, okay…
So what did our Mochi…"

Carefully, Hannah places her present's ornaments down on the floor and removes the wrapping paper.

"… come up…."

To speed up the process, Jimin lifts the box lit to reveal his gift.


Her mouth remains slightly open when she turns her head to her best friend, eyes wide open. 

"How did you get one in my size?
The fabric looks so… breathtaking and elegant!"

She shakes her head in disbelief and cautiously lifts the garment out of its box with a broad smile. This Christmas, Jimin gifts her with a yukata, which is a Japanese summer kimono. Since she is taller than the average Japanese woman, Hannah hasn't been able to find a fitting one during her trips to Japan. 

"I knew how much you wanted to own a Yukata…
It's the least I could do for you.
Hannah, you're always there when I need you, and you support me in every situation.
And... if you take me to Japan for my birthday, I can bring a part of Japan to you for every day to enjoy."

She puts back her light blue yukata-which is reminiscent of a lake with its dark blue accent and white flowers-back on top of the black obi decorated with endless gold and pink ornaments and pulls Jimin into a warm embrace.

"Oh, Jimin!!
Words cannot express how thankful I am."

She looks at each member.

"That I was able to meet you guys…
It doesn't matter how annoying you can be sometimes.
I'm forever grateful that you entered my life to brighten it up.
Thank you!"

Hannah gestures to them to join them for a group hug.

"I love you all!!
Merry Christmas."

Being the last one to join, he knocks them down lively and they fall over laughing.


"Too heavy!!
You guys are too heavy!"

All eight have made themselves comfortable on the two large sofas to watch The Last Unicorn. Hannah used to watch this movie with her mother every Christmas. Namjoon threw Hannah the packet of biscuits, and with pleasure, she bites into one with a smile on her lips.

Tomorrow morning I'll be five kilos heavier because of you!
The truth is… Christmas ruins every resolution."

She pats her stomach and laughs sarcastically.

"I shouldn't eat anything for the rest of the year."

Jimin crosses his arms with an admonishing expression. Before he can say a word, she interrupts him with a wave of her hand.

"Don't even get started, Park Jimin.
You are the last person in this room who should talk with me about healthy eating."

He sighs and looks down at his feet.

"I know… but…"

Yoongi, who sits next to him, pats him comfortably on his back.

"But you only wanted to tell Hannah that she is beautiful inside and outside.
It doesn't matter what she wears or how many cookies she ate."

We love you anyway, Noona.
Like you love us."

"Wasn't Christmas all about love and stuff?"

"And being honest with each other…"

Everyone looks at Jimin.

"You guys have planned this!"

"No, Jimin-hyung.
But it would be a great opportunity.
Only if you feel like sharing…"


"Sharing why."

"Why sometimes…
I had only one meal in 10 days?"

That is so dangerous.
You can be lucky that nothing worse has happened so far."

"I had no idea…
I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"No, Hyung, I am sorry.
It's so stupid, but…
When I look at myself in the mirror.
The only thing I can see are flaws.
It gets worse when I've eaten something that makes my face bigger.
And I can't help myself.
I need to do something about it."

"It's not stupid, Jimin.
Those are thoughts you are battling with by yourself every day.
Our minds are experts in making us feel low about ourselves…"

"Asking yourself if you are still worth it…
Why should you continue, even if you're…"

"This ugly person and everyone else seems to have figured everything out.
And they look so happy and content all the time.

"…it is a lie we tell ourselves.
But I know how you might feel, Jimin.
There are days when I hate seeing myself in the mirror and this slim figure…"

"I don't think anyone is ever happy with himself."

"Not even you?"

Seokjin nods and the heavy atmosphere in the air has vanished slightly, making it easier for Jimin to talk.

"If you hear other people talking about it, it's so easy to see how wrong their arguments are.
But when you say the same things to yourself…
It's different…
I know, I shouldn't care about it…
But I've got many comments about my weight in the last few weeks…
I don't want to disappoint anyone.
As idols, we are supposed to-"

"Let them talk.
As idols, you are talented musicians… performers… and dancers.
You create music for people to relate to.
Blow them away during your shows.
If someone seriously wants to call herself ARMY, she will accept you the way you are.
If you gained a few pounds?
Who cares?
You're more lovable!
Have you lost your abs?
You're not a bodybuilder who focuses on his body."

"Guess you are right…"

"She is!
At times, this business is so toxic…
But not just the music industry.
If we take social media…"

"You see this happy, perfect wonderland and compare yourself."

"But people mostly post about the happy moments, to appear better.
They hide their insecurities.
They try to give haters fewer reasons to pick on them."

"But still, people will pick on you, and find a reason to talk bad about you…
It's like… school never stops, and they don't grow up."

"Are you bothered by what these people write online because of what happened when we were in school?"

"At our school?
What happened?"

"Tae, I'll be forever grateful that you've been with me back then.
I have no idea why, but a few fellow students started talking about me in school.
Laughing when I do something… talking behind my back… loud enough for me to hear.
They made fun of my dance… my body… my clumsiness…
I tried to be better.
I tried to become that great so they would stop.
But they didn't…"

"I'm so sorry, Jimin, you had to go through this."

"It got pretty nasty at times.
I would try my best to fight back.
But it seems like this scar in your soul is deeper than I expected."

He hugs his best friend.

"Sorry, I couldn't protect you better…"

"You helped me to survive these days…
But still up today…. I ask myself…"

He doesn't know how to phrase his question and looks around the room.

"Why me?
What have I done to deserve this?
Is anything wrong with me?"


He doesn't need to put it into words because she knows what he hesitates to ask.

"You are not alone, Jimin.
Of course, I haven't been there and I will never be able to know how you felt back then…
How you feel about yourself right now…

She looks down on the floor and bites her lower lip.

>> Maybe…
Maybe knowing about my past can help him. <<

Hannah closes her eyes, and short sequences of memories appear in front of her inner eye at rapid speed. Pictures that taste like helplessness mixed with pain, anger and fear. Her heart starts racing, her mouth gets dry, and she feels nauseous all of a sudden.

>> Oh, come on… not now! <<

She takes a long breath in, feeling pins and needles in her legs and feet expanding.

>> It is okay, Hannah.
They won't judge me. <<

Hannah exhales and looks straight into Jimin's eyes.

>> He needs me now. <<

"I haven't talked to anyone about this.
Not even Dad or Sejin…
I would appreciate it if this story stays within these four walls."

The guys nod in response but don't say a word. 

"When we moved to Berlin, I wasn't lucky with my new class.
One girl in particular…
Somehow, she didn't like me much and decided to make my best friend's and my life as miserable as she could.
She was… persuasive… and ruled our class.
It started with words you could ignore… Then followed by rumours and lies…
Just like it always starts…
But… things became rougher over time.
When Mom got that offer for the job in London, she planned on turning it down.
I didn't handle moving to Berlin well…
And starting all over again in another country…
Even she felt honoured about the offer…
She would have sacrificed any dream for my well-being.
But when things escalated…"

Lost in thoughts, Hannah strokes the tattoo on her right wrist, which cannot hide the small scars that have faded slightly over time. No one dares to ask, but they know that those are connected to the story they just hear.

"It was the easiest way to get me out of this school.
Far away from these people."

She claps into her hands.

"And that my friends…
Is how I ended up in London."

Hannah smiles sadly.

"To be honest, I've been way more comfortable in the UK and it couldn't get any worse than my time in Berlin…
But going back in time now…
I start to understand something important."

Hannah turns back to Jimin.

"It wasn't my fault that it happened.
She… was in a very dark place and the only way she could make herself feel better for a split second was to attack other people.
Everything she has done screamed self-hate.
I couldn't see it when I was young, but it kind of makes sense now.
She couldn't love herself, so she tried to bend us until we broke…
But she was only hanging on to pieces shattered like shards of glass.
Pulled them closer because she knew she would never get them back.
I would be lying if I say I wish her well…
For sure… if I never see her face again, that's too soon. It's overdue.
For a long time, she managed to paralyse the best in me and all I could feel was misery.
But that's in the past.
I survived.
And you survived.
And I would say…
That's the part of the story that matters."

Silence. The only thing audible is the sound of the stream of tears falling on Jimin's shirt.

"N… Noona!"

Jimin gets up and jumps over to the other couch to get down next to Hannah. He puts his arms around her, making it obvious that he doesn't plan to let her go anytime soon.

"Guess I'll have the room all to myself tonight."

"Guess you're right."

End of Chapter 15
The Truth Untold

DisclaimerThis story is fictional. Even this parallel universe is based on AJISAI's research about BTS, Hannah and her story are made up. AJISAI is not working for Big Hit in real life. She is curious and loves to observe and analyse.

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