Interesting article, a curious sort of 'science proletariat' in the larger sphere of capitalism and the neoliberal university. The issue of what constitutes 'science' is controversial and the reality is far different from the hype. The realm of science is brilliant in physics/cosmology, up to biochemistry and stops. Fairly to see this pervasive. There is a kind of cutoff point as history, evolution, sociology, psychology, fail to achieve the fundamentals of science, yet the pretense is inflicted on the general public without much recourse.

A key issue here is that a science of evolution doesn't exist yet in the realm of theory, and yet an immense propaganda enforces the Darwinian ideology. You would think that the cadre of scientists plus statisticians could figure out the fallacy of natural selection, but no such luck.

A related case is the Marxist delusion of a science of historical materialism.

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nemonemini | November 12, 2021 at 1:49 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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